NewsDesk Release 2 March, 2011 Techenomics Rises from the Ashes The tragic events of Monday night the 7th of February are now histor...
NewsDesk Release 2 March, 2011 Techenomics Rises from the Ashes The tragic events of Monday night the 7th of February are now history as Techenomics International recovers from a lubricants fire which caused an oily soot storm which destroyed an oil analysis laboratory, warehouse office complex and related lubrication equipment. The pride of the fleet, a unique and state of the art lubrication truck specifically designed for distributing lubricants to coal mining sites in the Hunter Valley was totally destroyed, placing major mining equipment such as electric face shovels at risk. Production would have been greatly compromised at a number of mines had the lubrication service not been available when required. The engineers at Techenomics and a valued supplier Legra Engineering worked tirelessly for four days to build a new lubrication truck which was at work by midday Saturday 12th of February – an outstanding feat. The company's core business oil analysis is also in the process of being rebuilt but due to development approvals required for the fit out of a new laboratory and the lead time for new equipment it may be 8 weeks before we are again working from our own laboratory. In the meantime, the company continues to operate and supply its valuable customers who have been very supportive and will work strenuously to rebuild a better and more vigorous lubrication and oil analysis business. For further information please visit the Techcnomics web site ( or contact Jason Davis on 02 65712699 or