1. No clear purpose for the ... What is thepoint and focus of the speech? 2. Not starting and stopping on time. Be flexible andbe able to cut the talk short if asked. Be in control. 3. Not d
1. No clear purpose for the presentation. What is the
point and focus of the speech?
2. Not starting and stopping on time. Be flexible and
be able to cut the talk short if asked. Be in control.
3. Not dressing appropriately. Always be a step above
the audience. If it’s business casual, be a little
dressier than casual.
4. Not knowing the audience. Make sure you know what
the audience expects.
5. Not checking out your room. A/V equipment and seating
for any potential problems. Give yourself enough time to
make the room right for you.
6. Not having good platform skills. Knowing your subject
is not enough. You must have the ability to excite the
audience and keep their interest.
7. Not having rapport with the audience. Not doing your
research to find out what really interests them. You will
know that magic moment when the audience is nodding with
8. Not knowing when to stop. Too much information can not
be absorbed by the audience.
9. Not having enough information. The talk should have
substance and knowledge of the client's business.
10. Not being sensitive to the audience. Do not use ethnic
stories or off color remarks. Politics and religion should
be avoided unless you are a member of the clergy.
POINT: The effectiveness of a talk is whether the audience
enjoyed it and found it useful. Did the talk influence
their behavior positively and productively once they
returned to their jobs?
Be a Speaker with Intention
As a speaker of Intention, you can help your audience organize their energy and actions that will bring about their desired goals, dreams.Nervous? You Are Not Alone. Presentation tips from the Pros
Accept the fear and make it work for you. Most people cannot see your nervousness, so don't even mention that you are. Use this adrenaline rush of nervous energy by turning it into lots of enthusiasm in your delivery.Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
The audience wants you to succeed - so just treat them as your friends and speak in a conversational manner. You don't use notes when you speak to your friend, so don't use them now. At the most, you may use some note cards that include some key words for you to remember.