Testing for Asbestos Prior to Remodeling

Nov 15


Leighanna Cumbie

Leighanna Cumbie

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Remodeling or renovating a building can be an exciting process to witness. Construction crews must be scheduled effectively to ensure the job is completed in a timely manner. Any older building should be tested for asbestos prior to the work beginning to ensure the area is safe for the workers. Asbestos can become a dangerous substance if disturbed during a remodeling project due to microscopic particles being inhaled into the lungs.


Remodeling or renovating a building can be an exciting process to witness.  Construction crews must be scheduled effectively to ensure the job is completed in a timely manner.  Any older building should be tested for asbestos prior to the work beginning to ensure the area is safe for the workers.  Asbestos can become a dangerous substance if disturbed during a remodeling project due to microscopic particles being inhaled into the lungs. 


Asbestos was used as an insulator and fire-retardant in building materials such as ceiling tiles,Testing for Asbestos Prior to Remodeling Articles floor tiles, roofing shingles, cement products, friction products, coatings, gaskets, packaging, and heat resistant fabrics.  The low cost and easy to work with material increased the popularity and use of the substance.  The health risks were discovered and linked after the material was in widespread use.  The widespread use compounds the problem and increases the likelihood of the presence of asbestos in many buildings.


An Asbestos Inspector will make an onsite visit to test many different surfaces for the presence of asbestos.  Any area found with asbestos must be properly removed by a skilled team to ensure the area remains safe.  The workers will seal off the area to avoid particles contaminating other areas of the facility.  A separate ventilation filtration system may be utilized to filter out the microscopic fibers that become airborne.  The skilled workers may utilize special clothing and equipment such as full body suits and full face respirators to ensure the particles are not embedded into their clothing and it is not on the skin.  The removed asbestos will be placed into specialty bags that are individually numbered to ensure all bags are accounted for during each step of the process.  The bags must be carried offsite in a specialty vehicle that also has the proper outside markings while in transit to a facility prepared for storing the hazardous substance.


The Asbestos Inspector will document each phase of the process to ensure it is being done correctly and safely.  The information is then compiled into a detailed report once the job has been completed.  It is important to test for asbestos at the beginning of the project to ensure workers are safe, and to avoid unforeseen delays in the construction project due to renovation ceasing while the asbestos is removed.  Click hereto contact a Certified Asbestos Inspector to test your facility for asbestos.  OSHA and the EPA could levy heavy fines for an area that has asbestos, but the proper disclosures and precautions have not been taken by the company.