Was your house built before the 1980's? Are you planning to purchase an older house? If you answered "yes' to any of these questions, you should consult with an asbestos testing professional.
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral. The most common types of asbestos are amosite (off-white/brown) and chrysotile (white). Because asbestos is an excellent insulator and fire-resistant,

it was added to a variety of building materials and other products. Asbestos is usually mixed with another material, like cement, which can make it hard to identify. If you suspect materials in your building contain this dangerous substance, you should hire a licensed asbestos testing professional.
Reasons to Test for Asbestos
Your house was built before the 1980'€™s
You are thinking of demolishing or remodeling your house
You plan to buy an older house
Products in your older house, such as flooring and insulation, are damaged
Products That may Contain Asbestos
Certain types of insulation and construction products were often manufactured with asbestos. Asbestos was commonly sprayed or placed in or around steam pipes, flooring, water pipes, wallpaper, cooling towers, boilers, acoustical finishes, furnaces, and furnace ducts. Asbestos has also been incorporated into cement products. Common locations in a house that may contain this substance include basements, roofs, attics, ceilings, and garages.
Asbestos Testing Process
There are a few methods used to test for this dangerous substance. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is typically used to examine airborne fibers. Polarized light microscopy (PLM) is used to test bulk samples of asbestos. Asbestos testing professionals usually take samples of the materials, which they believe contains this substance. The samples are sent to a lab, which uses professional equipment to detect asbestos fibers.
Asbestos Testing Results
If the test confirms the presence of this dangerous substance, you may need to hire an asbestos abatement professional to remove it. Keep in mind that broken materials that contain asbestos should be removed as soon as possible. Your asbestos abatement contractor will make sure the asbestos is safely disposed of after he removes it from the building. Handling asbestos properly will protect the health of you and the individuals who use the building.
Asbestos Health Problems
Asbestos is very dangerous, especially if it’s damaged. When a product, which contains asbestos, is damaged or disturbed, the harmful fibers are released into the air. It'€™s easy to inhale these fibers. The asbestos fibers will lodge in the lining of the lungs or other parts of your body. Asbestos can cause scarring of the lungs and mesothelioma- a rare form of cancer. If you suspect materials in your house or office contain asbestos, you should hire an asbestos testing professional. Homeowners should not take asbestos samples on their own because it's very dangerous.