To move from your present state to a desired state is the benefit of a well-defined goal.
The benefit of a well-defined goal is to clearly and easily move from your present state to a desired state. To do that, there are 6 main steps to follow.
1) What do you want (instead)? Describe your outcome or desired state in positive terms. A well-defined goal meets these 4 criteria:
- Stated in positive – what you do want, rather than what you don’t want
- Specific and measurable – where, when and with whom
- Moves you forward
- Within your control - what parts are within your power, not someone else’s
2) How will you know you’ve achieved it? Think through your goal using all five senses. Put yourself in the picture of having already accomplished it:
- What is the evidence you’ve reached your goal?
- What, specifically, is happening?
- What images, pictures, feelings, sounds, smells and tastes do you associate with your goal?
3) Why do you want this goal? What is the ultimate benefit to you in achieving this outcome? Be as clear and specific as possible.
4) Check for any potential downsides.
- What drawbacks might there be to this outcome?
- Who else will be impacted? Take their perspective of your wanting or having achieved this goal and think how it might affect them.
- Do a body sensation check. Say your goal to yourself as you literally put your hand on your head, then again as you put your hand on your heart and then your gut. Notice your body’s reaction.
- Under what conditions would you not want this goal or outcome?
5) Identify barriers and explore resources:
- What stops you from achieving this goal?
- Is there anything you could let go of or would have to drop off in order to attain this outcome?
- What resources, qualities, abilities or support do you need to effectively deal with these potential problems?
- What resources do you already have to accomplish this?
- What are you already doing to achieve your goal?
6) Create a specific behavioral plan for accomplishing your outcome.
- Imagine stepping into the future (6 months, 1 year, 5 years) and having fully achieved your outcome. From this future vantage point, look back at the Present You and determine what steps you took to get where you are.
- What is the first step? What is the next step? And the next?
- Is there more than one way to get there?
- What is the time-frame?
How to Present Your Offers with Love So Your Audience Will Love Your Offers
I shared four practical tips for developing a compelling offer last time. Before you settle on the price be sure it is a desirable topic, have a juicy title, add a tempting bonus and get a clear value. This time I want to talk about presenting your offer in an appealing way.Make Em an Offer They Can’t Refuse (Part 1)
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