I shared four practical tips for developing a compelling offer last time. Before you settle on the price be sure it is a desirable topic, have a juicy title, add a tempting bonus and get a clear value. This time I want to talk about presenting your offer in an appealing way.
Last time I shared four practical tips for how to develop a compelling offer - Make sure it’s a desirable topic,

craft a juicy title, add on a tempting bonus and get clear on the value before you settle on the price.
Today I want to begin talking about how to present that offer in the most appealing way.
People prefer to accept help (and hiring you is one form of accepting help) from those they know, like and trust. So whether you’re reaching out to a potential client through an online promotion or through a one-on-one conversation,
establishing rapport is the first and most crucial step in the process.
Instead, many heart-based business owners mistakenly focus on what they think of as “selling” when it comes time to present an offer. And that actually goes against their spiritual beliefs and values.
I totally get it. I used to get caught in the same trap, thinking that marketing and selling my expertise was something entirely separate from delivering it. The problem with that separation is it automatically
takes you out of your place of strength (that centered and connected place you come from when you’re in the flow of working with a client).
Trying to create rapport with a potential client when you’re not feeling connected to your purpose means your head may be engaged, but your heart is not. You’ll likely find yourself:
*) Avoiding talking to people about your products and programs for fear you’ll be rejected
*) Sitting in front of the computer staring at that promo email you’ve written, knowing it’s not what you want to say but not sure how to fix it
*) Putting out a desperate “Oh God, please buy!” sort of energy that sends people scrambling in the other direction
Well, we certainly don’t want that!
If this happens for you, the good news is I’ve got
a simple strategy for centering yourself in your power as you engage in any kind of “selling” interaction.
When you sit down to write a promo email, or pick up the phone to talk with a prospective client, or meet someone at a networking event, say these words to yourself:
* I’m so glad I’m here. (this creates excitement)
* I’m so glad you’re here. (this creates gratitude and anticipation)
* I know what I know.” (this creates confidence)
From there, you won’t have to feel like you’re selling, you’re just connecting – both to your purpose and to other person.
When They Feel the Love, They Love What You Have to Offer
You have a purpose here on the planet - to share your gifts and your special brand of transformation from a place of love and service. The more fully you step into the power of your True Self in your business, and come from that place as you talk with potential clients about what you have to offer, them more they’ll love you and find your offers irresistible.
So it’s both the simplest, and most vulnerable, thing to do. Be you. Yes, even when you’re “selling.”