The Alphabet of the Entrepreneur

Feb 26


Jeffery Glaze

Jeffery Glaze

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Entrepreneurs are faced with challenges that others may not face. If you have made the transition from the corporate world or are planning to do so, this Alphabet is designed to help you learn a language of success


When the average person makes the decision to stop working for someone else's company and start working for themselves,The Alphabet of the Entrepreneur Articles they often have an idea of what it might be like to not have to answer to the boss, or to not be bound by the politics that exist in an office environment. They fantasize of long vacations and fat bank accounts. Most people however usually find a whole new world of problems and rewards that they had no idea existed, until they became an entrepreneur that is.

Although the life of the entrepreneur can be difficult, it can also be extremely rewarding. It just depends on what you consider to be a reward. You see, people have a tendency to disagree about a lot of things. Some people would say that success is measured financially, while others may rate success as recognition, popularity or in many other ways.

Going into business for yourself requires that you determine your personal meaning of success first. If you do not define this word in your own terms, you have no way of measuring your successes or failures. You literally can achieve a form of success that does not fit into your definition. Would you know when you achieved it? Would you actually look at a success as a failure?

I have learned that success comes in many forms. It can be as simple as someone remembering the name of your company, and as complex as landing your first ten thousand dollar deal. However you measure success is entirely up to you. No one can judge this for you, and often is is simply a perspective or a personal opinion.

The path to success is the one less traveled. Others before you have walked it. Others before you have fallen by the wayside. Depending on your business and your plan, success may be an elusive animal, hard to find and swift to elude you just when you think it is around the corner. It is because of this that I have developed an alphabet or in other words, the "ABC's of the Entrepreneur" to make it a little easier.

You may agree or disagree with these. These are some personal opinions of mine.

1.  A is for Attitude. You must keep a good one. Without a good attitude you will self destruct.

2.  B is for Boldness. You must be bold to face the challenges of the entrepreneur.

3.  C is for Cash flow. In order for the business to survive you must generate some source of cash flow.

4.  D is for Determination. You cannot be beaten unless you give up.

5.  E is for Energy. Energy combined with a clear vision can bring you success.

6.  F is for Fortitude. There will be times when you feel like giving up, don't!

7.  G is for Giving. Give to others and you will make a difference that will be rewarded.

8.  H is for Help. Know when to ask for it and don't be afraid to.

9.  I is for Interest. Generate interest from others in your business for greater success.

10.  J is for Journal. Keep track of your successes so you have something to refer to in times of doubt or fear.

11. K is for Knowing. Know what others have done to be successful. Read, study and implement.

12. L is for Living. You must maintain balance. All work and no play will wear on you.

13. M is for Making a difference. The smallest things can make the greatest difference. Move forward one step at a time.

14. N is for Never quit. Winners never quit.

15. O is for Order. Try to maintain an order in your life that balances your needs, both emotional and physical.

16. P is for Paying Back. Always make every effort to return favors and make referrals.

17. Q is for Questioning the status quo. Always ask why, do not accept things the way that they are if they are not favorable to your situation. Look for a better way.

18. R is for Rest. Be sure to rest when you need it to avoid burnout.

19. S is for Success. Success is the prize, know what it looks like and keep your eye on it. Emulate others success whenever possible.

20. T is for Time Management. I know it is difficult. Try starting with small points and work your way up.

21. U is for Unbeatable. Unbeatable is a state of mind, not a physical characteristic.

22. V is for Victory. Celebrate every one no matter how large or small.

23. W is for Work. You will really know what this word means.

24. X is for Xtremes. Sometimes success requires breaking rules. Sometimes it requires getting attention. Read my e-book!

25. Y is for You. Without you, would your company still exist? Empower others to help you.

26. Z is for Zone. When you find the success zone, stay in it. Remember what you did to get there.Entrepreneurs are faced with many challenges on a daily basis. The key to success is to know when to ask for help and don't allow pride to prevent you from doing so, never, ever give up, and learn from your mistakes and those of others.

Good luck!

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