The Case for Memory Foam Mattresses
This takes away the pressure from the spinal region and helps it remain in a neutral position throughout the sleeping period. The high-degree of comfort of memory foam mattresses stems from the fact that it provides ample support to the person sleeping, in whatever position he may be in.
A spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association once rightly pointed out that many people do not realize that the causes of their persistent neck and back pain lie right beneath them—their mattress and pillow. But choosing the most comfortable mattress isn’t as easy as it sounds. According to Charles Cefalu,

MD, chief of Geriatric Medicine at Louisiana State University, the ideal mattress should tread the delicate balance between being firm and being comfortable. It should be firm enough to distribute your weight equally so that you do not wake up with sore shoulders and an aching back. On the other hand, it should not resemble a wooden board either. Memory foam mattresses achieve this balance perfectly.
The memory foam mattress may be a comparatively new entrant in the market but it has got the nod from users as being one of the best amongst its competitors of various types. The following are only some of its benefits:
1. Is suitable for any sleeping position. The high-degree of comfort of memory foam mattresses stems from the fact that it provides ample support to the person sleeping, in whatever position he may be in. The material is designed to mold according to the sleeping position and thus the person on the bed can snuggle comfortably against it.
2. Provides support to every part of the body. Since the memory foam mattress is designed to mold according to the sleeping position of the person, it can support every part of the body equally. This takes away the pressure from the spinal region and helps it remain in a neutral position throughout the sleeping period. The sleeper also feels more comfortable changing positions during the night.
3. Is durable. Giving stiff competition to memory foam mattresses in popularity is the innerspring variety, but the former gets the stamp of approval from many by dint of its longevity. The innerspring ones tend to transfer motion from one to the other, making it uncomfortable for sleeping partners. These also tend to wear and sag after a few years of use. The foam variety however, lasts long and provides good value for money.
4. Is comfortable. The comfort quotient of this kind of a mattress is high because of its sensitivity to weight. As it is weighed down, its temperature rises and the material constituting it turns soft. This makes lying down on a foam mattress comfortable, no matter what the weight of the person is. When the person gets up from the bed and the weight is lifted off, it returns to its original shape.
5. Is resistant to dust mites. This mattress scores high on other health grounds as well. In fact, people allergic to dust mites vouch for this. These types of mattresses are naturally resistant to dust mites and other forms of allergy-causing microorganisms and thus are healthy alternatives to many other varieties flooding the market.
When looking for quality foam mattresses, Chicago homeowners scour the Internet to find a reputable and trustworthy online store. They can then be absolutely sure about the quality of the product they are buying.