Marcus Evans is a company whose success is based on the fact that they ‘practice what they preach.
The principles taught and exchanged in their highly successful conferences,

and summits, are not just theory, but are lived out each and every day within the very fibre of their business. This practical understanding of the principles that are taught in conferences, radically changes the dynamic of conferences and summits. Conferences become an impartation of wisdom and understanding rather than just the passing on of knowledge and information.
Only those who understand the fundamental ideals and vision of Marcus Evans, are invited to speak at conferences, which further adds to the impact people are experiencing. Speakers at events transfer knowledge in such a way that becomes vibrant and alive to the delegates, and in a manner that can be instantly applied in their respective organisations, bringing change and reform.
One sector that has experienced unrivalled change during the last five years is the finance sector. Through a series of summits, conferences and training, Marcus Evans offer a variety of events that both explore, and inform delegates of the very latest developments affecting these sectors. It has become clear during these tumultuous times that those organisations that do not keep abreast of the most recent legislation can suffer terminal damage to their organisation. Attendees of conferences, and training courses, all testify to the fact that having the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom imparted by Marcus Evans trainers and speakers has helped their organisation mitigate the risks in this volatile industry.
Banking has been and continues to be one of the most scrutinised financial divisions, and one that trainers at Marcus Evans are experts in. One of many courses available to potential delegates is the Advanced Treasury Management in Financial Institutions. This two day course will explore the precedents set by the Basel III framework. Keynote speakers will guide delegates through the intricate regulations set out in the Basel III accord, ensuring they are equipped to implement a strategy that complies with Basel III directives in their own organisations.
One major bonus for attendees of all conferences, summits and training run by Marcus Evans are the contacts and that are made. Networking with like-minded professionals only serves to enhance the training courses. Many of the courses have a practical aspect to them, working closely with other delegates frequently leads to strategic friendships being formed, all adding to the learning experience. Delegates instantly realise that from the moment the conference starts that there is something different, an increased expectation that the conference will propel them and their organisations to the forefront of their field.
Businesses are increasingly becoming affected by international financial policy, it is important that all organisations keep staff up to date, and that organisations commit to training staff with the latest developments. Organisations can no longer allow the financial tide of change to wash over them. Marcus Evans is a company with the best tools, coupled with exemplary service, for this time of radical, financial change.