The Most Important Element to Make Extra Income and Earn Extra Money Online!
If you are serious about a silent online money making business, this article will provide some extremely invaluable information for you. One factor stands out in how to make money online. Do you know what it is?
If you are serious about a silent online money making business,

this article will provide some extremely invaluable information for you. Most people who believe the internet can provide their "get money opportunity" search diligently for the best ways to get that done. While many factors work together to create a successful online business, one factor stands out head and shoulders above the others for those who want to make extra income and earn extra money online. Do you know what it is?1) Much of what you read or have been taught about SEO procedures is misleading and very hard to apply. Do not misunderstand me! Keyword optimization is very relevant in drawing people to your page or site. But if done in the wrong way, the results will not be effective. All baseball players know that swinging the bat at more balls coming across the plate is not nearly as effective as selectively swinging at just the high quality balls. In other words, swing only when the balls are in the strike zone. Fewer balls to swing at, but better ones! Does that make sense to you?Most keyword theories teach you what keywords large groups of people are using and where to place the keywords in your articles to help you land on the search engines' front pages. That is good. However, if you are fighting hundreds of thousands of competitors with those keywords, you're going to have to be awfully, awfully good to get first page listing.2) Most SEO education is geared at getting a high number of visitors to your site, but that may not be the best method. Sales professionals call this "throwing garbage on the wall and hoping that something is going to stick." Supposing at the baseball game we talked about you were given a choice of batters. You are allowed the entire crowd of 300 spectators sitting in the stands, each one having one swing at the bat. Or, you can choose the best 3 batters in the league with each one having three swings. Three hundred swings to nine swings! Which would you choose? I would choose the nine swings and be nearly certain of some very good hits, perhaps a home run or two!3) In optimizing your web page, web site, or article, quality traffic is far superior to quantity traffic. Any serious sales professional knows that one qualified customer is much preferred over ten non-qualified ones. So, for your purposes, you are wanting to draw people who already have a high interest in what you are offering. What course, or program, or system have you found which teaches you how to do this?Here are the basics! You must have a system in place which identifies hungry customers. Wouldn't a system which finds ready-to-buy customers be a premium one? Do you know how to accomplish this?You must also have a system which can tweak keywords with certainty to be able to deliver those highly qualified customers. A hit or miss keyword system is not a very good one and is going to produce sporadic results, as you probably already know.Here is the big question. How do you think I found you? Your reading this article is proof that a system exists which can deliver highly qualified customers. Since you definitely want to make extra income and earn extra money online, I am directing you to This program contains many really good other things, but its most valuable asset is its ability to find highly qualified customers.