The Nasty Little Secret About Making Money on eBay
Think you can get rich on eBay? Well lots of people have. Along the way, here's what they learned. From the author of the bestselling book, eBay PowerSeller Secrets.
For our books
eBay PowerSeller Secrets and
eBay PowerSeller Million Dollar Ideas my wife Deb and I interviewed hundreds of PowerSellers. Male,

female, young, old, couples, single folks--they ran the gamut. Some make the PowerSeller minimum of $1000 per month, while others gross millions. Despite their differences they all had one thing in common, and this is the thing that few other eBay experts will tell you.
They work HARD. eBay is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Building an eBay business takes commitment and time. PowerSellers are some of the hardest working people we know. It drives them batty when scam artists sell CDs, books, ebooks, videos, etc. that promise to disclose the hidden secrets of making money on eBay. Other scam artists promise to provide a list of wholesalers or dropshippers that will provide great products at great prices, so you can make lots of money. Sorry, but it's not that simple.
But wait. This is not to say there aren't tricks of the trade, and some great ideas that we've seen PowerSellers put into practice. We've spent years now uncovering these and without giving away the farm, they range from
hiring import agents to help you source products from other countries, to
making yourself the local eBay expert--the "go-to" person for all things eBay. Some of the best "secrets" are right under your nose. Right on eBay. For example, eBay now makes sales reports available, but you'll need to subscribe to them (go to your My eBay page and click on the Subscriptions link).
eBay Sales Reports
And did you know that eBay provides FREE consultation to sellers at all levels? This is one-on-one telephone consultation with an eBay marketing and sales expert. This person will spend some time going through your listings and give you advice based on what he sees. Some of the savviest sellers we know have learned a thing or two from these folks and it only cost them a bit of time. So why wouldn't you take advantage of this service?
eBay's OnRamp Consulting Program
I could go on, of course, but then you may not be as interested in our books,
eBay PowerSeller Secrets, or our new one coming out this September,
eBay PowerSeller Million Dollar Ideas. :)
There's one more thing you should know. Many PowerSellers work hard yes, but they wouldn't want to make their livings any other way. There's nothing like being your own boss, and if you question this just ask someone who's spent years working for others. It seems almost everyone dreams of working for themselves and this dream only grows as you get a bit older (or is it wiser?).