The Perception of the Ancients and modernists On Time and its management

Aug 16


john metthew

john metthew

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Oddly enough, despite being wrapped away in the unconscious centre of our brain it is light sensitive. In Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism, since long be...


Oddly enough,The Perception of the Ancients and modernists On Time and its management Articles despite being wrapped away in the unconscious centre of our brain it is light sensitive. In Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism, since long before the medical function of the pineal gland was known, it has been referred to as the “third eye”. Indian tradition links the ajna chakra (sixth chakra) to the pineal gland. Ajna translates in Sanskrit to “command”. Whereas the base chakras each relate to a different element, the sixth chakra relates to time, and insight through ‘higher knowing’.

The Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland was our connection to higher thought; Descartes called it “the seat of the soul.” The “third eye” became a sign of divinity, or “heavenly eye” in China, the “eye of Shiva” in India, the “eye of Ra” in Egypt (the Sun God - the sun symbolizing gold in alchemy). Combined with the pyramid, a symbol of the trinity and the divine, it became the “all-seeing eye” which we now find on the back of every American dollar bill.


 How do we know when we are in the flow? On the one hand, flow is our path of least resistance. At a deeper level, flow is a well-known state that people who becomes totally immersed in an activity they have mastered, whether a sport or their passion, can find themselves in. When we are in our life flow, we can access this flow state more easily. When we are in it, we change the way we experience time.

The conscious brain experiences time, while the unconscious brain appears to take little notice of it. Jung observed that dreams occur outside of time, with no past, present or future. When we operate in our unconscious, time appears to disappear.

When we are in our flow, we experience time quite differently. On the one hand, time seems to fly, as we operate largely from our unconscious. Yet we can also slow time down almost at will, as our conscious mind is freed up to live entirely in the moment. When we are in our flow, quite amazingly, it feels like we can control time.

 “Wealth is controlled time.” - Buckminster Fuller

 We have all had an experience when “time flies”. This is when we are doing something we love, our unconscious mind is operating and our conscious mind is at rest. We have also all had the experience when we can “slow time down” – especially at critical moments when you are entirely in the moment, and are able to recount every step of the instant. What exactly is it that makes time appear so relative?

Deepak Chopra, in his book “Synchrodestiny”, recounts: “The physical world is made up of nothing but information contained in energy vibrating at different frequencies. The reason we don't see the world as a huge web of energy is that it is vibrating far too fast. There is an analogy that illustrates this point. Scientists know that it takes a snail about three seconds to register light. So imagine that a snail was watching me and that I left the room, robbed a bank, and came back in three seconds. As far as the snail was concerned, I never left the room. I could take her to court and she would provide the perfect alibi. For the snail, the time that I was gone from the room would fall into one of those gaps between the frames of flickering existence. Her sense of continuity would simply not register the gap.

“So the sensory experience of all living beings is a purely artificial perceptual construct created in the imagination. There is a Zen story in which two monks are looking at a flag that is waving in the wind. The first one says, "The flag is waving". The second one says, "No, the wind is moving." Their teacher comes over and they pose him the question, "Who's right? I say the flag is moving. He says the wind is moving." The teacher says, "You are both wrong. Only consciousness is moving." As consciousness moves, it imagines the world into existence.”

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