The goals and intentions we set to get things done, make things happen, and manifes our dreams come from a Vision you see and want in your business and life, something you mark out as “yours” in the future.
We all set goals and intentions to get things done,

make things happen, and manifest our dreams. If you think about it, these goals and intentions come from a Vision of something you see that you want in your business and life; something that you mark out as "yours" in the future. It may be captured in the form of vision boards, vision papers, flip charts, an official vision plan, or even a post-it, but the key thing is that all goals and intentions come from the act of Visioning in one way or another. You see it in your mind's eye. You want it. You have to get into action and make it happen.
The act of doing this is so quick, that it's easy to miss WHERE that goal came from. It's worth the time to take that goal and see where it's rooted. It will make it all the more powerful (and sustainable.) For example, if Josie has a goal of losing 10 pounds and being more fit and healthy, it's likely that goal has stemmed from an internal vision she has where she sees herself fit and healthy, running around with the kids on the front lawn, perhaps running a 5K, and 10 pounds lighter. (BTW, notice:
the goal is actually not about the 10 pounds, but rather what the loss of that weight represents, which can be found in the vision.)The simple act of being able to tap into that vision, will make it easier to stick to the action plan and the goals she set to get there.
Likewise, if Fred and his team set a goal to increase their productivity by 25% over the next quarter, it's likely that goal stems from the vision of seeing a fully humming team, happy clients, and increased profits coming in the door. That vision likely holds a feeling of ease, grace and comradeship, as his team works together as a collaborative unit.
The actual action plan to reach that goal will come from getting very clear on what that Vision looks like. Make sense?
I find that the most common time of the year people tend to set goals and intentions is either when they start work with me, or at the beginning or end of the year. The goals and intentions are great. The visioning is key to make them real and sustainable and what's absolutely crucial is staying connected to them. Building in check points throughout the year (I like to check in once a month, but some prefer quarterly), can help you stay on track, navigate and course correct where necessary.
To make this concrete now:
1. Take a current goal or intention that you're holding (business or personal is fine),
2. Identify the vision that it ties into (what do you see happening that indicates success?)
3. Notice your heart and emotion; how connected do you feel to this goal?
4. Why is it important?
5. On a scale of 1-10 where are you at in "completing" that goal?
6. What needs to happen next? What are the next 3 steps?
7. What is your timeline?
8. What is your strategy for staying on course?
9. How will you know when you've succeeded?
10. How will you celebrate?
Coach's Challenge: Take those goals from the New Year, go through this short exercise with each of them, ditch the ones that are no longer important or that are "not yours" (the "shoulds" that you really don't connect with), reconnect with the ones that ARE yours, set action plans, and put them in a safe place so you can easily connect with them again.
And, do all of this before the end of February. You'll be so glad you did.
Ready? Set? Go!