The most important element to keeping your pipeline full with paying clients is to know who they are, where they congregate, and how to connect with them.
When you do find them, the most powerful and leveraged way to connect with and enroll them as clients is through speaking. Giving a Signature Talk is your #1 Off-Line Strategy to Enroll Your Ideal Clients:
1. Do a google and search on the keywords for your target market. Find organizations and groups that meetup in your area. Before you attend, call the organizer and find out if the participants are truly your ideal clients. If they are not, do not attend the event. It will be a waste of time.
2. Narrow down your list of organizations/meetings to 3-5 and start attending them. You should be attending a live meeting at least every 7-10 days. Make friends first and talk to everyone with an "how can I help?" attitude. Get to know the organizer.
3. Ask the organizer if you can make a presentation to the group. If they say yes, make a 45 min. presentation leading up to an offer for people to sign up to have a private complimentary consultation with you over the phone. If they don't allow for speakers, then identify which participants would be great clients and make individual appointments with them.
4. Create a simple power point presentation identifying 3-4 MAJOR problems that your target market struggles with and position yourself as the answer to those problems. Let them know that your presentation will give them a lot of great solutions, but that there is only so much you can show them in 45 mins. So, if they want more, you will show them how to get more at the end of the presentation. This way your audience will be prepared for your offer at the end.
5. For all those who signed up for your offer, schedule the appointments right away! When you get on the phone, be absolutely prepared with a program, product, or service you will be offering and the investment amount. Present the offer confidently and compassionately.
6. As "soul"opreneurs, we must be very careful about our time and energy in this area so be razor sharp in your focus.
3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Visibility on Google
What does that fancy phrase “search engine optimization” or SEO really mean? SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engines, such as Google, viaun-paid or “organic” search results. The goal is to have your business on the first page of Google so that your ideal clients can quickly and easily find you.How to Get Your Groove on in Your Small Biz in 2012
Have you had the chance to reflect back on 2011? If not, take the time to look back. What did you accomplish and how did you do it? For all of your successes, honor yourself. Now, where did you stop yourself in your business because you were afraid or you can plug in any other excuses here? This list is going to separate the men from the boys, the women from the girls in 2012.Are You Looking for Clients in the Right Places?
The most important element to keeping your pipeline full with paying clients is to know who they are, where they congregate, and how to connect with them.