The Truth about Commercial Real Estate Listing
Facts About Commercial Real Estate Listings.
There are a number of widely believed misconceptions about commercial real estate. These include assumptions such as the tenant pays the broker in a transaction,

or landlords are would rather allow a tenant to walk away then to offer them lower rental rates. Another common misconception is related to how commercial real estate is listed. Contrary to popular belief commercial real estate listings are extremely different from those in the residential industry. Many tenants assume that because a building doesn’t have a broker’s sign or flyer out front is there no availability within. This however is just not true as buildings with a listing sign out front represent only a fraction of truly what is available on the market.Commercial real estate insiders have much more information on the market and off record commercial real estate listings then a tenant could ever obtain on their own. Just like any industry there are insider secrets that are only known to those professionals in the industry. There are subleases in each market that may not be public knowledge, this could be due to a company not wishing for competitors to know they could be downsizing or expanding for example. There are also sometimes plans to develop a building that would be available in the near future that a tenant could not know about from just his or her knowledge of the market. The truth is the best way to discover commercial real estate listings is to work with an experienced broker to help identify every possibility, not just the ones that appear on signs in front of buildings.Visit to get more information about Commercial Real Estate Listings.