Things You Should Know About Real Estate Usa
In order to play well in the Real Estate USA this year then you need to have a good job! Mark Zandi, the chief economist of Moody's says” The economy is showing signs of life, but the unemployment rate is already at 10 percent and expected to go higher.
In order to play well in the Real Estate USA this year then you need to have a good job! Mark Zandi,

the chief economist of Moody's says” The economy is showing signs of life, but the unemployment rate is already at 10 percent and expected to go higher. And while those mortgage rates are attractive, buying a house makes sense only if you can bank on your income stream. So before you consider purchasing a home, take a hard look at your job, your company, and your industry” You may think his Statement says it all But let’s Just expand upon a few things that the Wise man has pointed out so you have a better idea of the market. Here are 5 things to know about real estate this year: Mortgage delinquencies are up: The statistics say that roughly 1 in every 7 mortgages in USA is either past due or in foreclosure by the end of the third quarter of this year. This is said to be the highest Delinquency rate in the 35 Years History of the Mortgage Bankers Association's National Delinquency Survey.
Mortgage rates will increase in the Real Estate USA Market: If you were one of the Lucky ones who Purchased their houses in the year 2009 then I’m sure that you must have got really good attractive rates! However from that Year onwards the Mortgage Rates are bound to rise to a considerable Figure with the end of Year 2012. Buyer's market remains: With the Falling prices this year the Mortgage rate are becoming more and more Affordable for the people. Lots of Fore Closed Real Estate USA Property has been plunging into the market continuously favoring the market. Foreclosures move upstream: It is said that about the number of fore closure sales of Real Estate USA are bound to increase to about 2 Million in the coming year. Heather Fernandez, vice president of marketing at the real estate search engine Trulia Says “the trend is to pick up steam next year. Hundreds of billions of dollars in option [adjustable rate] mortgages are set to be recast" Thus all the more pointing towards the fact that he For Closures are bound to increase!
Prices to bottom: The Real Estate Prices in USA have shown Signs of stabilization after nearly 4 years Statistics show that the home Prices has Lowered to nearly 9 percent between the third quarters of this year. This however is much better from nearly 15 percent annual drop in the first Quarter of this year. This improvement has finally given way to a bottom in home prices. However there are additional Declines to these as well. Zandi Again Warns” home prices will hit bottom in the third quarter of 2010 after logging a peak-to-trough decline of roughly 37 percent, based on the S&P/Case-Shiller national home price index. That means we've got another roughly 10 percent [decline] to go," So if I were you and was looking for a home to buy! I’d be aware if all these!