Third-Quarter Home Prices Fall in 40 States
Home prices in the third quarter dropped in 40 states in the US. This coincided with an overall drop in US home prices by 3.2% in the period from a year ago.
Data released by the Federal Housing Finance Agency revealed that overall US home prices dropped 3.2% in the third quarter ending September compared to price tags in the same period last year. The decline was attributed to weaker demand and the impact of lifted tax credits to home-buying moods of buyers.
The highlight of the report was a list of 40 states where home prices drastically fell in the period. Idaho led the pack. It was followed by Georgia,

Arizona, and Oregon. South Carolina followed closely. In contrast, up to 10 states, excluding the District of Columbia, recorded price gains.
In the list of 25 biggest metropolitan regions in the US, Atlanta had the biggest decline in home prices, with a 10% price drop. Meanwhile, property prices climbed by 4.6% in San Diego, California. It had the biggest gain in home prices during the period.
The District of Columbia claimed the top rank of the federal agency’s state listing of yearly price appreciation. It recorded 5.29% in average price growth compared to the same quarter of 2009. Seasonally adjusted price appreciation rose 6.8% in the state compared to the prices in the second quarter.
Interestingly, the state of Virginia was ranked as 12th in the list of states with annual appreciation. Home prices in the state fell 0.5% in the quarter, an improvement from a 0.8% decline in the previous quarter. Maryland was at No. 41 as it had a 5% annual decline and 3.7% quarterly decline.
The report was based on comparative sales data of prices over time. The federal agency noted that the information does not reflect inclusion of refinance activities and so-called ‘jumbo home loans,’ which exceed the conforming home loan limit set by government-sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Tax credit for home purchase activities worth up to $8,000 expired on April 30. Analysts note that the expiration helped drag down home sales to record lows, as buyers were somehow discouraged to buy available homes due to additional costs they have to shoulder.
The outlook in home prices remains brim. Market experts expect tag prices of US homes to drop by as much as 8% by third quarter of 2011. It is also expected that prices would also drop in more metropolitan centers and states. Many homebuyers welcome this piece of news as it means more homes sold at lower costs. But as analysts put it, it remains unclear how the market would react exactly.
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