Read about business networking and its ideas.
Business networking events have been a part of the business and personal life depending upon your concern. For some people going to these events is a fun just like going to dentist. For some,

networking functions are pleasant, but because of the people with whom they spend time, they wish they had gone for a trip to their doctor instead.
But regardless of your condition, when going for such events, it is of critical significance to have the aim or purpose of providing help and support to others first. Unluckily, it is an old formula that is usually not kept in mind at all. But this time when you plan to go for such an event, consider this simple, useful formula: after helping others and providing them the support, you earn the right, esteem, honor and freedom to have a meeting again. It is not an assurance to sell yourself, but a vacancy to make bonds with people.
Arrive at the event at time and don’t be late. After arriving, avoid sticking to the persons you already know. You should first thank the host and then quickly look for someone new to commence a talk with. This will help you remember the right purpose for being here in the event.
When you meet someone for the first time, stop selling you. Rather, first ask them for introduction and ask questions about them. Show your interest in them and make them feel important. First meeting is a good chance for you to start a new relationship. So don’t start selling yourself but try to develop the foundations of a relation.
Your business cards should be with you. in easily accessible pockets.
While giving or taking a business card from someone, give it a personal touch by writing your personal contact number or mobile number on it. It will make the recipient feel special and important.
While taking or giving business cards, be careful and cautious about the culture of the recipient. Mold your etiquettes and words accordingly.
Similarly while taking a business card from someone, write something on it like the time, date, or place of meeting. Doing this during the conversation shows your deep interest and willingness to continue the relation.
During conversation at an initial meeting, use their first names several times. Firstly people like to be called by their names. Secondly it will help you to remember the person later on.
Instead of telling about yourself, volunteer in learning about the other person. Ask questions about them. It will make you learn a lot.
After the first meeting, write a note about something you learned from the person on the backside of the card. This info will help you to have some topic to talk about next time.
Show your attention by tilting your head during the conversation. It shows that you listen to them with interest.
Make an eye contact while talking to someone. Look directly at the next person to show your full attention.