Tips to buy new mirrors - how to best oversee the buying process overall.
You may have many reasons for adding mirrors to you home or you may need a few more good reasons. Here are several ways to use mirrors in your home, some of which you may not have considered before.
You already know that mirrors can be used to check your reflection, but have you thought about all of the places in your home where this might be handy? A vanity mirror in your bathroom will help you style your hair and make-up just right. A decorative wall mirror near your door will give you a chance to check your appearance before leaving the house. A full-length mirror next to, or inside of, your closet will give you a chance to make sure your shoes work with your outfit. You could even hang up tow full-length mirrors there, that way, you can get a good idea of what the rear view looks like.
Mirrors are useful in home decor when you want to move light into a dark corner. A wall mirror can reflect the light from a window or light fixture into a place that was previously filled with shadows. Hold the mirror in a few different positions before you hang it to find a spot that maximizes the light. A decorative wall mirror above a console table becomes almost like another light source when a table lamp is placed in front of it, the amount of light will double as will the beauty of your interior decor. For a romantic effect, try placing candles in front of a mirror.
Mirrors are excellent tools for making a small room feel larger. The reflection gives the illusion of an extended room. For extra size, let a glass mirror reflect the view from a window. It will be as though you have two views for the price of one! You can also simulate a window in a small room or basement with a wall mirror. Simply hang the decorative wall mirror at window height. Take the look further and add curtains or a valance to the mirror.
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