Tips to get the best pre-wedding photo shoot for a wedding

May 16


vikram kumar

vikram kumar

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A pre-wedding ceremony is one of the best times for both the couple and the photographer. It is one of the best opportunities to get some stunning photographs


They are the moments of time when the anticipation is growing,Tips to get the best pre-wedding photo shoot for a wedding Articles the entire room is highly emotionally charged and you are in the room with people you love the most with the setting in of the realization of the fact that you are actually about to get married. These make for some of the most beautiful photos as they come after a period of separation and traditionally, when the couple first looks at each other. There are some of the photos of your favorite people being themselves in the frenzy of getting ready for the wedding which makes for some of the most precious and memorable photos you can have from the ceremony.

If you are looking to get some beautiful photos of the pre-wedding time, here are some of the best tips to get some stunning photographs.

Natural light

Natural light is the key to getting the beautiful vibe of a wedding. Ensure that while getting ready, you pick a window to sit in front of while you do your hair and makeup. A very beautiful shot can be of you getting ready with the natural light streaming in.

Ensure your rooms are close together while getting ready

If you are doing a video, it can be really helpful to get different rooms in the same hotel/house to ensure that the Orlando wedding photographer has the ability to take pictures of both of you getting ready or get video footage of the same simultaneously for the best photo opportunities.

Plan the getting ready outfit

Matching robes or shirts can look so beautiful in a photo. You can even get your bridesmaids matching robes or shirts and personalize them for a cute gift idea. Just make sure it does not ruin your hair and makeup.

Ensure that you are ready for the photographer when they arrive

Ensure that your hair and makeup is already done by the time the photographers come by. It is okay if the last finishing touches are left, such as lipstick or taking your hair out of curls as these can photograph beautifully. Plan ahead with the photographer to ensure things run smooth.

Keep the dress ready

Keep the dress completely ready to go by cutting off tags, getting rid of tissues or cardboard and lace up the back to ensure it photographs better and saves you time while getting ready.

Be organized

Keep the detailed items that you want photographed, like the shoes, rings, jewelry, invitation cards and other details in one area to ensure that the photographer does not need to spend a lot of time finding it or forgets it altogether in the rush.

Make some time to get the photos before the wedding

One of the best things you can do is give the photographer the time they need to capture all of the frames of you both getting ready. While it typically takes around 2-3 hours before the wedding to get everything set up and good to go; it may take longer if the bride and groom are not staying close to each other. Ensure that you have accounted for any time that you need to get to the venue, any time that will be needed for gift exchange etc. to ensure your Bella Collina Wedding Photography service providers are not pressed for time.