How do you identify ... stories where you work ... ... stories about yourself or your ... you can pitch to the media in the hope of getting somefree ... re
How do you identify newsworthy stories where you work or
Especially newsworthy stories about yourself or your company
that you can pitch to the media in the hope of getting some
free publicity.
By remembering a semi-famous quote from the late Speaker Of
The House Of Representatives, Tip O'Neill.
'All politics is local.'
In a sense, all news is local because even global issues
often have a local impact.
Here are some powerful strategies for spotting opportunities
when they present themselves.
'Piggybacking' simply means putting a fresh or different
twist on something that's already in the news. You might
have you seen a story on the Today Show that reflects
something that's happening in your industry. Call the
station that airs the Today Show and offer a 'local angle.'
They'll probably interview you as part of the story.
You can piggyback on news items, trends, holidays, or
community events - the possibilities never end.
Trends and new ideas and technologies make for good stories.
When my wife and I opened the first South Texas Subway
Sandwich Shop inside a convenience store, we got a front-
page write-up in The San Antonio Business Journal. It
included a color picture of us standing in front of our
location. Buying an equal amount of ad space would have cost
about eight thousand dollars.
If you're part of a large company or organization
(university, non-profit, etc) and you've got a lot of people
who are qualified to comment on a wide variety of topics,
create and distribute a directory. It can be elaborate or
simple - as long as your media contacts can find a suitable
expert quickly. Include names, titles, and contact numbers
(day and evening) and post your list on your web site.
Polls, surveys, tip sheets, and quizzes make great fillers.
Your data doesn't need to scientific or statistically
significant, just interesting. Unique contests, such as
Thrifty Rent-a-Car's annual Honeymoon Disasters Contest, can
generate tons of coverage.
The media love controversy and (despite frequent accusations
to the contrary) most go out of their way to present both
sides of a story. If you can offer a contrarian point of
view --and you can explain your case--reporters will often
give you an opportunity
You can get the media's attention to publicize upcoming
events: classes, open houses, free demonstrations, visits by
celebrities. Publicity before the event helps spark interest
and boost attendance.
Human-interest stories are everywhere, including your
business. Think about people in your company, group, or
organization. Does someone have an intriguing hobby? Pitch
their story to the local media.
Even the weather and climate can give you a hook for free
publicity. Homebuilders and remodelers can offer tips about
saving energy. Doctors can suggest tips avoiding colds and
flu during the winter.
TV stations and cable channels, radio stations, newspapers,
magazines, trade publications, and newsletters - both print
and electronic - have huge amounts of time and space to
There are more opportunities than ever, and competition is
fierce for advertising dollars, viewers and subscribers. The
secret to success knowing exactly what they're looking for -
and giving it to them with a local twist.
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