Top Seven Mistakes Writers Make and What to Do About ThemJudy ... often get stuck because they make ... about writing, ... ... and ... their books. A recen
Top Seven Mistakes Writers Make and What to Do About Them
Judy Cullins
Writers often get stuck because they make assumptions about
writing, finishing, publishing, and promoting their books. A
recent client confessed that he thought a book was just too big
a project. Using professional, respected information, writers can
finally realize their book dream.
1. They postpone writing their book.
I don't know an author who is sorry they wrote a book. They
only wish they had written it sooner. Speakers can expand a talk;
coaches can expand how-to articles; business people can share
tips and short information pieces. Everyone put out a salable,
respected book. They sell well today-on the Internet, at back-
of-the-room, and can be a great boost to your credibility as a
2. They write chapter one and other chapters before investing
marketing time in the essential "Seven Hot Selling Points," one
being writing the book's thesis.
The thesis evolves from answering what one major challenge or
problem your book will solve. If the author can't answer his
potential buyers question "Why should I buy your book?" clearly,
quickly and concisely, he won't sell many copies. Another
advantage of writing the thesis before writing the chapters is
that the writer will write more focused, compelling copy, saving
time not going off track or writing two books under one cover.
The thesis for Time Management for the Creative Person, by Lee
Silber, is "Offers right-brain strategies for stopping
procrastination, getting control of the clock and calendar and
freeing up your time and your life."
3. They think they have to be an expert, great writer, or do
mountains of research.
Write books on subjects you have passion for, and want to
learn more about. As you research, interview, and write, you
become the expert. Rough out what questions your readers
will want answered; organize them in categories, which can then
become the table of contents and the actual chapter titles.
Know your book's message is significant, and has readers who
want and need it. .
4. They aren't sure their book is significant enough to warrant
their love, attention, and time.
If your book shares something new, something unique, something
useful, it is significant enough to be written. Think about your
audience out there, what they want and need. Think about yourself
too. We each need to share our gifts with others. If we don't,
we stagnate, wither and stop the natural flow. Whether your
book becomes a great seller or not, write it because you can.
Expect rewards too. "Affluere" from the Latin meaning to flow,
translates to affluence. The more you put your self into your
book; the more rewards will flow your way.
5. They wonder if their book will sell.
Plentiful markets or your preferred audience want your information.
Whether you write personal growth, how-tos, business, or even
poetry, your audience awaits your talent. When you stir their
emotions with specific benefits, they will pay the price. Check
out what is on the bookstore shelves, and on web publishing
sites to see what's selling well. Self-help sells well, so do
mysteries, parent/children, romance and sex.
6. They think they are alone is a long, difficult project.
Use your friends and associates to brainstorm with you. Let
them give you feedback on the title, thesis, and one chapter at
a time. They become peer editors, and also will give you even
better words and ideas than yours to help make your book
dream a reality. Take a community college, teleclass, or adult
school class in book writing and publishing. Research on the
Web. Subscribe to newsletters on book writing, publishing,
and marketing. When the time is right, hire a book coach.
7. They think publishing is too long, too expensive, and too
With the eBook and Print Quality Needed (PQN) and Print on
Demand (POD) printing technologies, an author can get their
professional looking book out within a month, a few months,
but definitely in less time than with traditional publishing.
With coaching and other professional services for parts of the
project, the author is already selling books before they are
printed -and writing at least three times faster, at practically
nothing to one-third the cost. One client, Daisy Williams, of
_Some Daisies Do Tell_ sold almost 100 copies before she
printed through PQN. Think of the cash flow she created to
invest in advanced marketing.
Rethink your former assumptions about book writing. They
may be quickly corrected when you do a little more investigating.
About the Submitter:
Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach
Author of Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online
and Write your eBook or Other Short Book-Fast!
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