Truck Tracking Systems Come With Concerns
While truck tracking systems can help improve your company's efficiency as well as its bottom line, it can also be a cause for concern among some of your most important employees - your drivers.
Truck tracking systems have helped to revolutionize the trucking industry due to the effective use of modern technology to help make transportation easier than ever before. Nonetheless,

not everyone views them as an overly welcome addition.
Companies utilize truck tracking systems for a number of reasons, most notably to track and monitor their most important assets in real time wherever they are. However that's not to say that they are not used to monitor individual employees' habits to help prevent against unauthorized use of company time and equipment.
Because of this, many truckers view such a system being installed in their vehicle as an invasion of their privacy, and may also feel as if they are no longer trusted by their employers. For some, this can lead to them becoming too uncomfortable to continue with a company.
At the same time, truck tracking systems are not designed to foil truckers who consistently do the right thing - only those who do the wrong thing. So in the end, questions and concerns from employees can and should be expected as part of the process of developing a comfort level with the technology.
So what type of reaction can you expect from employees who will have truck tracking systems installed in their vehicles for the first time? It can often range anywhere from a complete lack of interest to a significant concern, and the key is to be prepared to answer any and all questions effectively.
Clearly the first and often most divisive question a driver will ask is why they are going to be tracked. While some - especially those who may be doing the wrong things on company time - may be concerned that they will be able to be monitored wherever they go, it should also be stressed that this will be a benefit to them as well.
This type of consistent monitoring allows their good driving habits, punctual arrivals and departures and swift transportation times to be documented and acknowledged. It also allows them the ability to be quickly rerouted to pick up new loads and more jobs quickly and easily.
Aside from that, one of the most important questions drivers often ask is about the accuracy of the technology, which is important considering the fact that they need to confirm that they can indeed trust it. In most every case, the GPS unit that will be installed should be able to be trusted to be 100 percent accurate all over the country or around the world, depending on the type of mapping you plan to subscribe to.
Finally, drivers will often question the reliability of truck tracking systems. Typically in every case, major brands and models are considered to be 100 percent reliable, and often come with a backup system as well to maintain functionality in all conditions and at all times, making them completely reliable in all situations.