Steel Grades are various numbers which have been allotted to different types of steel. These numbers are classified to a particular type based on its composition and physical properties.
Steel is an alloy made from the combination of iron and carbon. More than 3500 grades of steel exist in this world,

which shall be discussed in this article.
What are Steel Grades?
Steel Grades are various numbers which have been allotted to different types of steel. These numbers are classified to a particular type based on its composition and physical properties. Even though it's just the composition of carbon and iron, but normally the percentage of composition differs for all types of steel. Carbon content, present within the ranges in between 0.1% - 1.5%. Steel which are used most commonly are usually composed of 0.1% - 0.25% carbon.
On a broader basis, UK Steel can be differentiated into one of the following categories and can be distinguished by their distinct properties.
Carbon Steel
90% of UK steel produced nowadays is carbon, which contains traces of both the aforementioned elements which makes it an alloy. Depending on the amount of carbon present within the steel, it can be further divided into 3 subclasses, namely; mild carbon steel, medium carbon steel, and high carbon steel. It contains carbon ranging between 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively.
Stainless Steel
The main alloying element in this type of steel is chromium which comprises 10-20% of this metal's characteristics. This type of UK steel is more preferred because of its unique quality of showing higher resistance to corrosion.
Just like in the previous category, these two can be divided into three sub-classes.
Austentic Steel: It is a metal which is non-magnetic in nature and cannot be treated with the use of heat. It makes up a large part of UK stainless steel market and is often used in making kitchen utensils and other products used our in daily lives.
Ferretic Steel: This type of steel is made from a combination of chromium, nickel and small traces of carbon along with other elements. These plates cannot be hardened by heating them, therefore, the rocess of cooling after extensive heating, followed by hammering, is followed to harden and strengthen it.
Martensitic Steel: This type of UK steel is mainly used in the production of knives and other tools used for cutting. It is even used in the manufacture of surgical instruments, which also includes those used in dental procedures. It is also composed of chromium, nickel, carbon, but in varying percentages.
Grades are also classified by different numbers, like c45 steel, en8 steel, etc.