Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment is ideal for cleaning Precision Parts
Nowadays, the ultrasonic cleaning tanks are also used in almost every sector. The companies that are making regular use of these tanks resulted in low operating costs and improved productivity.
An ultrasonics cleaning equipment makes the use of ultrasonic technology and has become the preferred method of cleaning various delicate parts in industry today. Nowadays,

the development of various types of ultrasonics cleaners are able to make the use of water based chemicals or solvents. These ultrasonic cleaning equipments can also be used in conjunction with vapour degreasing and are found to be perfect for the cleaning of precision parts.
There are different types of ultrasonic cleaning systems are available in the market. These equipments can also be used in almost any type of cleaning applications from plastics to metals, and are commonly employed in the electronics, automotive, engineering and printing industries. The main reason behind their dominance is their effective qualities including less labour intensive, low maintenance, fast, efficient and reliability.
The applications in which they are widely used include:
• Jewellery: Watch making
• Engineering parts: Carburetors
• Electronics
• Computers
The versatility of ultrasonics cleaning equipment makes it popular in a wide range of industries. There are varieties of materials it can be applied to. A short list of materials it is commonly used to clean includes:
• Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel
• Plastics
• Glass
Other applications of ultrasonics cleaning equipment include processing of slurries and liquids. It helps by enhancing the chemical reactions in different applications used in industries.
These cleaning equipments are widely used in the fields of medical, dental, and Jewellery. They not only clean the products in an effective way but also clean the products that are hard to clean.
If you’re also searching for an ultrasonics cleaning equipment for cleaning purpose, then it is important to do a little research before arriving on your final decision.
B&M Longworth is equipped with the latest ultrasonics cleaning technology and offers a flexible, economic alternative to component replacement; we specialise in chemical cleaning, industrial degreasing,
ultrasonics cleaning equipment and refurbishment of a wide range of components that require de-contaminating.