With all the hype being thrown around about programs that promise to show you how to make money online, what makes Underachiever Secrets any different than all the rest? Is it just another marketing ploy? Can it really help Internet marketing newcomers develop their own online business? Find out the incredible truth by reading this evaluation...
At first glance,

looking at the sales page for Russell Brunson's latest Internet product, Underachiever Secrets, one can be struck by the amount of hype and other dubious tactics used to promote this program. It's enough to turn most people off in the beginning. But if you dig beneath this superficial surface, you will find that the information being offered is based on sound business practices that have stood the test of time while helping other aspiring entrepreneurs make their mark in online marketing and business.
To answer the question posed in the title to this review, no, the core information presented in Underachiever Secrets is not just marketing hyperbole. Nor is it a lie. Those who take the time to actually research and prepare their product for Internet marketing and who implement the information presented in this program can discover first hand the power of what is being taught. If you are a "take charge" type of person who enjoys thinking for himself, it's likely you may find plenty of profitable ideas and strategies to choose from in this material.
That said, there are some drawbacks to the Underachiever Secrets material and software which may cross the line on marketing hyperbole, especially for the beginning student of Internet marketing. For one thing, this program has been criticized for being light on the actual specifics of putting together an effective promotion in terms of website creation and such.
For example, it's uncertain how much users are taught about SEO (search engine optimization) and how to set up their websites for maximum exposure to capture free traffic from the search engines. While SEO procedures are not all that difficult to understand, it would be beneficial for novices to the business to be given some in-depth direction in this highly important area. There's more to SEO than just choosing the right keywords and placing them in your article or on your website. You also have to know HOW to make that effective.
In many areas it's almost as though Brunson assumes the reader already understands a great deal about online marketing, so he doesn't go into the nuts-and-bolts details. As well, it often explains things using generalities. If you're a beginner in the I.M. industry, you may wish to check out another of Brunson's products (20 Minute Payday) which addresses these matters more fully.
Additionally, the software included in Underachiever Secrets has left some reviewers laughing in the aisles. It's rather amateurish in appearance, and according to one reviewer who published his critique on the program debut date of March 1, 2011, not every software module was working properly. Hopefully, Russell's coders have worked out the kinks since that time.
As far as delivering the goods about how to go about building a viable online business through the development of in-demand products delivered through simple yet focused websites, this information delivers the goods. All the important areas are covered. Users are given some instruction about product development, copywriting, building a back-end income stream, affiliate marketing, SEO, and paid media in an effort to teach them how to publish numerous small, but highly focused product related web sites. Once these sites are set up in money niches (where demand is high), the main duty of the marketer then becomes driving qualified traffic toward them. And that's a winning combination in anyone's book. Period.
However, in order to make all these areas work up to their maximum efficiency, users may need to step outside the instruction given in this program to find additional material (more detailed instruction) to help refine the effectiveness of their website properties. Yet this is not a bad problem to have. It's something that every marketer faces on the road to success: keeping up with the ongoing changes that take place in this dynamic arena of Internet marketing. You never stop learning about what works.