You’re on the hunt for a new job. You know that in this tough economy you’ve got to do absolutely everything you can to stand out and make a strong im...
You’re on the hunt for a new job. You know that in this tough economy you’ve got to do absolutely everything you can to stand out and make a strong impression. After all, just about every potential employer is going to be bombarded with resumes from job seekers just like you.
So you do the right things to get employers’ attention. You read each job listing carefully and use keywords from it in your cover letter and resume to prove how your skill set meets the employer’s needs. You do everything you can to find out the name of the person who will actually be reviewing resumes for the position so that you can personalize your cover letter to her. You follow the instructions about how the employer wishes to receive your application precisely…but, wait, they’re asking you to apply by fax?!?
It’s unusual nowadays in this age of email, but applying by fax used to be de rigueur, and some employers still prefer it. When you first see the request on the job posting you may be inclined to flip on past it to the next job, but don’t! Applying by fax can be to your advantage and using an internet fax service like eFax can even make it easy.
The Advantages of Applying by Fax
It’s somewhat “old-school,” but a resume sent by fax is a physical object, a piece of paper that the recruiter gets to handle and sort physically. This can gain your resume a second look when an email document might just get clicked through and forgotten. Imagine your resume sitting quietly on the recruiter’s desk, reminding her of your name and qualifications.
Another advantage of applying by fax is that many job seekers may be turned off by the fax requirement. Perhaps they will ignore instructions and just email their resumes in, or perhaps they will write that job posting off. In short, there’s a chance that applying by fax can mean that your resume is battling against a smaller pool of applicants.
How to Apply by Fax
But, of course, most of us don’t have fax machines at home any more. And the idea of getting yourself down to the local copy shop to use their fax machine is less than appealing (not to mention pricey). So how do you apply by fax? The Internet Age helps us out once again. You don’t need any expensive equipment or even specialized computer programs; all you need to do is use an internet fax service like eFax. You can send your resume by fax, but right from your computer. Without a whole lot of extra effort on your part, you’ve just differentiated yourself from the competition and given yourself a better chance of landing that new job.Simplify Apartment Rentals with an Internet Fax Service
Looking for a new apartment is stressful, but that stress doesn’t end once you’ve found the right one. Now you have to find a way to fax a rental appl...How to Prepare Your Internet Fax Resume
You may already have a resume formatted for email and uploading to an online resume processor, but you probably haven’t tested your resume for print o...Do Business Anywhere with an Internet Fax Service
Telecommuting is the future. With the right tools, you can manage your business from anywhere, even while sipping a drink on a beach. Internet fax services are one such tool, allowing you to send and receive faxes without a physical machine. This guide explores how internet faxing can free you from the office, offering a professional appearance without the hefty costs. We'll also look at different perspectives on its necessity and provide some interesting stats on the topic.