Waiting To Be Discovered? Virtual Reality Videos Is The Key

Apr 13


Brunetti Brunetti

Brunetti Brunetti

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If you are an artist struggling to get discovered, I have three words for you – virtual reality video. Whether you are a musician, writer, filmmaker, ...


If you are an artist struggling to get discovered,Waiting To Be Discovered? Virtual Reality Videos Is The Key Articles I have three words for you – virtual reality video. Whether you are a musician, writer, filmmaker, painter or sculptor using the latest technology to showcase your talent will set you apart from everyone else.

Creating a video to spotlight your abilities is nothing new. However, there have been significant technological advances in virtual reality video. Dublin Ireland is the home of WeAreVR which is one of several production companies throughout the world leading the way. And, if you do not know what I am talking about, please search the web for virtual reality, or VR, videos. Believe me, you will be blown away by this technology, and if you are an artist, you will immediately start seeing possibilities of how to promote your work.

Musicians. This new technology is an obvious choice if you are a musician. Music videos have been around for decades. But, those videos do not compare to a professionally done virtual reality video production. Dublin’s own U2 use to produce videos that I could watch over and over. I can only imagine how many times I would have watched had I been able to use my computer or smartphone to choose different perspectives of the same performance.

Writers. Imagine being a crime story author. Then imagine creating a VR video where Dublin Detective Michael Magee walks into a crime scene. The video is from Michael’s perspective, and the viewer of this video can inspect whatever part of the crime scene they want. I cannot think of any better way to suck a reader into your story. I for one can see readers diving into your story to see if that missing knife from the cutlery set has any significance.

Let’s say you are a romance novelist. No problem. Create a video wherein your protagonist first meets his or her next romantic partner. Is it the individual at the bar? Or, maybe the one playing the piano? Could be anyone and your readers will want to find out who.

Film Makers. Picture a movie trailer that is a virtual reality video production; Dublin is the setting. You are the filmmaker, and it’s your choice if you want to showcase Dublin’s history, its beautiful landscapes, or perhaps a more sinister side of Dublin should be the focus. It’s totally up to you. However, if you use one of the many companies like wearevr, your film has a better chance of being noticed.

Painter or Sculptor. Having trouble selling your art? Believe or not, people are fascinated with the process of creating art. How about a VR video that captures, via time-lapse photography, not only the progress of your work but your entire work area as you move about in creating your masterpiece?

The possibilities are endless. The point is, with these videos, it becomes easier to draw paying fans into your world. And, once they are in your world, it’s up to you to keep them there. Creating music, stories or art is a calling. A calling that often does not pay the bills. Creating a virtual reality video may be exactly what you need to get discovered.