Want to Grow Your Business?
To get more clients and grow your profits, you must be willing to collaborate and to seek help from others. Whether it’s a coach, a copywriter, a programmer, a virtual assistant, or any other type of support staff, you’re going to need someone. You may even need a combination of “someones”.
To get more clients and grow your profits,

you must be willing to collaborate and to seek help from others. Whether it’s a coach, a copywriter, a programmer, a virtual assistant, or any other type of support staff, you’re going to need someone. You may even need a combination of “someones”.
When starting out, handling all the tasks involved with your business may not be too difficult. But as your business grows and things get more complicated, it can begin to feel as if the small details are taking up the bulk of your time and drawing you away from things like marketing and innovating—i.e., the activities that only you can do. Your support staff can help take the pressure off by unburdening you of those tasks that anyone can do. This will boost your productivity and take your business to the next stage.
As you’re reading this, you may be thinking, “That’s sounds great, but I can’t afford to hire a support staff.” This is an understandable concern, but the thing to keep in mind is that hiring this support staff will give you the time you need to get new clients, build your business, and bring in more income. It’s an investment that, if done right, can give you great returns.
Think of it this way: If you could get rid of those repetitive everyday tasks, how much more time would you have to work on your marketing campaign? If you had someone to help you, for example, with your phone calls and emails, wouldn’t that save you a huge chunk of time every day? And couldn’t you reallocate this time to focus on things that help build your business? Meanwhile, if you were to hire a coach to help you develop a new business plan and marketing strategy, wouldn’t this help your bottom line in the long run?
If you’re still having trouble justifying bringing in support, consider this finding from the International Coach Federation’s Coaching Client Study: “The ROI for [coached] companies can be significant . . . with a median return of seven times the initial investment. In fact, almost one-fifth (19%) [of coached clients] indicated that an ROI of at least 50 times (5000%) the initial investment, while a further 28% saw an ROI of 10 to 49 times the investment.”
Those numbers are based on hard data. With this in mind, you can’t afford not to have support.