OSHA has mandated that employees have training on Hazard Communication, but why is it necessary? The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) has been designed to ensure information about hazards is communicated to employees, so they understand the potential risks of each separate chemical they work with on a day to day basis.
OSHA has mandated that employees have training on Hazard Communication, but why is it necessary? The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) has been designed to ensure information about hazards is communicated to employees, so they understand the potential risks of each separate chemical they work with on a day to day basis.
The manufacturer of the hazardous chemical is required to provide information through labels and detailed information sheets called Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Each employee that works with the chemical should have a MSDS available and recognize what the warning label is on the side of the container.
The employer has a responsibility to provide training to the employee about the types of hazards they will face and different ways be as safe as possible while working with the hazards. Typically some sort of personal protection equipment will also be issued and trained with to ensure a safe working environment.
Recently, OSHA has mandated that employees have the right to know and understand the identities and hazards of each chemical they are exposed to in the workplace. The employees may then participate in the employers’ protective programs and take the necessary steps to protect themselves at all times.
A Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) can aid with staying on top of the most recent OSHA mandates and help keep your company compliant with the regulations. An OSHA violation could be a costly fine and increase the scrutiny for further visits to assess other workplace activity. The CIH can also aid with updates to the training material to ensure the most recent Hazard Communication Standards, including the recent adoption of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS), are being fulfilled.
Click here to contact a CIH to help your company get caught up to speed with the latest mandates and to ensure compliance. A continued relationship with this professional will ensure you have an advocate during any OSHA visits. Hazard Communication Standards have had some major revisions recently, and are slated to continue with new changes. Contact a professional today to ensure your company would not be in violation of the most recent revisions. The Certified Industrial Hygienist will be able to convey actionable information to make immediate necessary changes. Employees are worth protecting and OSHA mandates they have a right to understand the different hazards that are encountered on a day to day basis. A more informed employee is able to perform their duties in a safe manner.
Occupational Health Overcomes Everyday Hazards
Many workers face different types of hazards on a daily basis. Each company has a responsibility to proactively protect their employees from hazards encountered in the workplace. Accidents or injuries can bring production to a halt, reduce the workforce while the employee is recovering and lead to costly worker compensation claims. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can help your company improve the Occupational Health present at your facility.The Risk from Asbestos
Asbestos poses a major health risk in many office buildings and homes due to the wide adoption and usage of asbestos as an insulator in the construction process. Asbestos can be found in the glue beneath vinyl flooring or in material applied to concrete to regulate the temperature between floors in an office building. These buildings and homes are being remodeled and modernized as an update to the space, but the demolition process can be hazardous if asbestos is present. Test for asbestos prior to starting your next remodeling project to ensure workers are safe.Communicating the Dangers with HazCom
Hazard Communication focuses on explaining the dangers present at the workplace. The employees have a right to understand the hazards present and how to remain safe on the jobsite. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to fulfill the HazCom requirement set forth by OSHA.