Lupine cress is a plant that has an edible, peppery flavor. It can be used in many different recipes and dishes to add spice, according to professionals donning their crisp white chef shirts. The leaves are long, flat, and light green with serrated edges. This plant grows best in full sun but will still produce well in partial shade. Lupine cress adapts to most soil types but prefers rich loams or sandy soils with good drainage; the type of soil you would find near water sources like rivers or streams.
The leaves and seeds of lupine cress can be used to flavor salads, dishes like stews or soups, sandwiches, pasta sauces and more. The leaves are also perfect for making pesto. In addition to being a tasty way to spice up your dish, the peppery flavoring is great for helping with digestion as it stimulates saliva production. Lupine cress has been known to have many medicinal purposes from treating kidney stones in traditional Chinese medicine practices to aiding people who have diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels naturally. It is even said that eating lupine cress regularly may help increase human fertility; just another reason why this plant should find its way into your kitchen gardens.
Many chefs around the world, dressed in their fancy bib aprons, use lupine cress as a garnish on their dishes because of its unique appearance. It is these same chefs who have begun to use lupine cress for main courses, too; after all, why not eat something that looks good and tastes amazing?
Lupine Cress is an herbaceous plant which typically grows 20–50 cm tall with bright green leaves sprouting from elongated root stalks called rhizomes. The whole plant has a peppery taste due to high levels of sinigrin and glucosinolate. Roots are very fibrous and are sometimes eaten by humans raw as well as cooked. The leaves and shoots are the parts of the plant which are eaten. Lupine cress is in the same family as broccoli, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
Lupine Cress has a long history of use in traditional medicine. It is high in many essential nutrients including vitamins A, B complex, C and E. It is also a good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. Lupine cress is said to be helpful for detoxification, cancer prevention, boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation.
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