What the World Needs Now You Can Give It
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato swtblessings.com I’ve been telling a lot of people lately that I think we as a soci...
“Be kind,

for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato
I’ve been telling a lot of people lately that I think we as a society currently lack basic human kindness toward each other. It seems we were a lot kinder to each other a mere six months ago. I think our full, busy and stressful lives have been a big contributor to our lack of kindness. Not to mention the impact due to our current political environment, regardless of where you stand. We just don’t have time for it any more. I have yet to find anyone who disagrees with this and I truly wish someone would. I think if we were just a little bit kinder to each other, we would all feel better, be calmer, and feel less isolated. Kind is defined at the unabridged
dictionary.com as:
- of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
- having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.
- indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often followed by to): to be kind to animals.
- British Dialect. loving; affectionate.
Quite often I see that infamous bumper sticker “Practice Random Acts of Kindness.” I like that concept and yes, I used to pay the toll for the car behind me, but our automated toll payment systems has put a slow down to that random act. So now, I buy someone’s coffee instead. I think random acts of kindness are great, but they are just that… random. I wonder, what if I go through my day consciously choosing to be kind to those whose paths I cross? What if I were to be a kind and loving person? What if all my words were kind words? What if I was considerate, helpful and humane to all beings? What if I was loving and affectionate even in those moments when I think someone doesn’t deserve my love and affection? Malcolm Cohan, the founder of
The Rocket Ship methodology for making a vision movie, has a great tool that helps me to be a kinder person in almost any situation. When I feel my kindness drain from every cell in my being toward someone else, before I react in a negative way or just shut down and stop listening, I just say “Totally Cool”. That’s it. Those are the magic words for me. “Totally Cool.” This gives me that second or two to gather my thoughts and answer the question, “What kind of a human being do I want to be in this situation?” Try it. I also challenge you to try for a few days to consciously walk through your life with an intention to be a kind person. When you are doing this, I hope our paths cross. Wouldn’t that be nice to come across a truly kind person when you need one the most? “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” ~Leo F. Buscaglia