When You Are Not Organized There Are Many Problems That Will Surface
Organization is important to success in business.
Organization is an everyday component of running a clean and efficient company or organization. Without organization,
there are all sorts of problems which could develop. The look of the area and the efficiency in which the area works is all affected by the organization or lack thereof. It is a simple enough concept, it seems logical, but on a regular basis, it can be a difficult thing to maintain.
You start by attempting to keep everything organized, but it can either become too overwhelming or the speed at which events happen just overpower the desire and ability to remain organized. A lot of the time, because the world does not slow down and things keep piling up, it is easy to say that it's going to just be taken care of tomorrow when you have more time. The problem is that when tomorrow comes, the minutes beat away and there is no more time then there was the previous day.
It starts with a little backsliding and before you know it, you happen to be buried under a pile of unorganized work that is actually holding you back. So you lose the ability to be organized and then you actually start losing efficiency because you are working around the disorganization. It doesn’t take much, in either time or disorganization before it's enough to overwhelm your everyday work. You have to get into a habit, you have to make the time in order to fix these things before they get out of hand.
It sounds easy and it sounds simple, but in practice it's much harder. That’s because life and work doesn’t slow down. It's constantly moving forward, compounding what was a little bit behind a day ago, is much worse today. Find the time, whether it's adding a couple of minutes to the task at hand, completing each assignment or task until it is done, not leaving loose ends for later. It is easy to get distracted and very easy to leave little things to be done later.
The problem with that's that simply because they are little, doesn’t mean that a lot of them do not add up to something big. And also, though they might seem little now, the longer you wait to finish them, they can become large problems later. Remember, it might seem little, but to your boss or the customer, it's the most important thing that they are waiting on.