When faced with a ... clients often say, "I can't makea mistake this time," or, "I want to be sure I'm doing theright ... are no ... but here are some ways to ... odds.1.
When faced with a decision, clients often say, "I can't make
a mistake this time," or, "I want to be sure I'm doing the
right thing."
There are no guarantees, but here are some ways to improve
the odds.
1. Assess your strengths, limitations and values before you
2. Ask friends and colleagues, "I'm thinking of doing X. If
you heard that I tried X and succeeded, what would be your
response? If you heard that I tried X and failed, how would
you be likely to explain the reasons for failure?
3. Are you feeling especially depressed, isolated,
vulnerable or scared? These feelings often lead to decisions
we regret later. Deal with the feelings or take an
intermediate step that will take you to a different
emotional place.
4. Talk to at least three people (six would be better) who
are doing what you want to do (or living where you want to
Ask tough questions: How did they get there? What
worked and what didn't? How has the field (or the location)
changed since they moved? What was their toughest challenge?
Be negative. If you've gotten this far, you've already looked
at the positive side.
5. Create best case and worst case scenarios. Describe in
detail how you would deal with each.
6. Create a safety net based on your own personal comfort
zone. Some people sleep soundly when they don't know where
they will get the next mortgage payment. Others toss and
turn when their income falls below six figures to the left
of the decimal point.
Be honest. If you're scared you will
be paralyzed and a sense of need will drive away business.
7. Stay focused but not necessarily on a single goal. In the
early stages, you may want to explore two or three avenues
8. Don't give up your power. When you start to feel
intimidated by advice, remind yourself that you are in
charge of your life.
9. Break your goal into small steps. Make a short visit
before you make the final move. Find a client or two before
you open the doors to your business. Take courses before
signing up for a degree.
If you have chosen an
all-or-nothing goal, strengthen your safety net.
10. As you begin moving toward your goal, pay attention to
what happens. Do things fall into place? Does a funding
source appear out of nowhere? Does a friend-of-friend offer
An increase in your own energy can mean you're on the
right track -- or simply that you are enjoying a change from
your recent experience. Interpret with care.
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