Customer Surveys are the most inexpensive way of generating profits, which any business could dream of. Companies like IBM used to pay their sales people, a bonus, based on the customer survey rating. But how could they really boost your profits? This article uncovers some of the secrets.
Existing customers are the life blood of every company. They have already bought from you, so they know the value of what you provide. Too often companies are not fully sure of the reasons as to why their customers have made purchases.
In order to successfully market to other similar customers, you should talk to your customers and ask them to tell you why they bought, what the purchase has enables them to do, and how they have put a value on it.
This exercise, properly done, not only helps you get testimonials that you can use in your marketing to other prospects, it also help you with two other key profit generating activities.
It is recommended that this questionnaire that follows is conducted either in person or on the phone. People do not respond well to giving this type of information, online, by email or even in written form.
Open the call by telling the customer who you are and checking if they have a couple of minutes. If not, find a time to call back, telling them that you are just conducting a short customer survey.
Assuming they are able to speak with you, ask the following;
This is incredibly powerful, obviously it will need to be tailored to your company, but it serves as a template that you can use. It shows them that you care. It also really helps you understand how customers actually use and put a value to your products and services.
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