Make sure that your business is presented in the best possible light at exhibitions, trade shows and other business gatherings. Having a few business cards or leaflets is all well and good but you could be doing so much more - you need a professionally written company brochure...
You are in a competitive market place vying for the attention of clients. What makes you stand out from the crowd and attract all eyes towards you? A successful business requires a sound marketing strategy, and an opportunity to create a lasting impression in the memory of its potential stakeholders. The internet provides a valuable platform for publicity, but in a world where people are constantly on the move nothing beats that physical connection. This is where the company brochure beats other marketing tools hands down!
A company brochure offers versatility in its ability to provide attractive and creative formatting, plenty of space for content, a wide range of layout options and a never ending supply of locations from which to launch. A brochure can be included in a marketing kit sent to news media, or within a free giveaway bag which may include a T-shirt to draw attention from prospective clients. Coupons or other offers could light up the eyes of the unsuspecting as they fall out of the tri-fold gloss cover!
Low Cost
The cost of advertising in the prime spaces of a magazine or newspaper, or on TV is excessive compared with the cost of printing a company brochure. Discounts are often offered for bulk orders, and you have the comfort of knowing that your company is the sole subject of the content.
Brochures can be distributed, left in or sent to a wide range of settings such as reception desks, trade fairs or meetings. Imagine ending a meeting leaning over and handing your potential client a brochure, or on the other hand asking them to visit your website. Which conclusion will leave more of a lasting impression? Brochures offer an opportunity for customers to make informed decisions before they act, and to provide that physical connection with people. Perhaps they will go home and circle a piece of relevant information that stood out, ensuring muscle memory adds to their future recall of the event.
Now you are ready to consider the merits of a brochure, you should also consider its effectiveness. This is your chance to create that positive impression of what your company can do for its clientele. Often the simplest approach is the best. Decide on the purpose of your brochure. Is it –
Corporate – extolling the virtues and benefits of your company and its vision.
Sales – persuading clients that your product exceeds all others in quality and efficiency.
Product/Service based – providing instructions or technical information.
Financial – informing stakeholders of financial progress and costs.
Choose a target audience and stick to it. Do not try to be all things to all people. Keep it simple, attractive, informative, and however obvious, don’t forget to include your contact information! I meet a lot of readers who still prefer holding a book and turning its pages to digital media. What would make you sit up and take notice? Give it a try and see for yourself!
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