A lot of us, perhaps may not be familiar with the fact that millions of everyday objects are made from polycarbonate. In fact, a lot of transparent and hard objects in today’s world are usually made from PC film and sheet that are derived from polycarbonate. A lot of amazing material characteristics of the polycarbonate have made it the choice for hundreds of thousands of manufacturers all over the world.
What is it exactly?
In simple words polycarbonates are polymers that contain carbonate compound in their chemical composition. It’s one of the strongest plastic materials that can resist extreme temperatures because of which it is suitable for use with not just everyday objects but also in several engineering grade objects. It’s estimated that at least one billion kilograms of polycarbonate, including PC film and sheet, are produced in the world annually.
A lot of useful properties
The high impact-resistance quality of polycarbonate is the primary reason why it’s the preferred material for the manufacture of many everyday products. Polycarbonate in its raw form isn’t scratch resistant though and so most commonly produced PC film and sheet use additive chemicals for hard coating and high-temperature resistance. Because it can easily change its shape through heat above 150 degree Celsius, it can be molded into any kind of desired shape.
More transparent than glass
Polycarbonate is acknowledged to be one of the most transparent materials in the world. In fact, some kinds of polycarbonate are even considered to have better light transmission features than glass, despite being extremely lightweight. This is the precise reason why panels made from PC film and sheet is often called artificial glass. This extreme transparency is the very reason why polycarbonate is used for the manufacture of eyeglasses and goggles.
A variety of uses
There are thousands of products in the world that use polycarbonate in one way or another. From the CDs and DVDs to hard packaging plastic covers in everyday food materials, polycarbonate is in fact among the most widely used polymers in human civilization. From soft toys to plane cockpits, polycarbonate is perhaps is one of the most dynamically used materials. Specific varieties of PC film and sheet are even used in the production bullet-proof glasses.
Cost and durability advantages
The mass scale of production of PC film and sheet has made it significantly cheaper, compared to other polymers. Polycarbonate is also considered to be one of the most durable and rigid synthetic materials, because of which it is used for the manufacture of reliable products.
Gong Cha Milk Tea Series To Keep You Warm This Winter
Winter is here. It's time to put down your favorite bubble tea and ignore your appetite, since the last thing you want to do is drink anything cold, right? Bubble tea is designed to be enjoyed at any time of the year, regardless of the season. While the older variety of the tea is more popular, a series of warm bubble tea can be enjoyed in the winter.The Best Boba Tea On East Coast
Boba tea has been around for several centuries and decades and it has retained and attained a global position as a widely accepted product and drink. In 2017, the popularity of the drink skyrocketed after been accepted in the western countries with bubble tea shops like Gongcha reporting a huge boom in business in top countries in the world.Most Popular Bubble Tea Store in New York
The long wait is finally over for residences of New York who have been anticipating a new Gong cha Bubble Tea shop. We are happy to announce our new store open at Woodbury Common Premium Outlets (714 Bluebird Court Unit# 714, Woodbury, NY 10917). Additionally, we have a new store opening soon in New York City located at 2061 Broadway, New York, NY 10023.