Why Quality is Top Priority When it comes to Flowers
Fresh Flower production and supply has risen to the challenge of a growing global marketplace in the last two decades. In this article you will find out why quality is key to this growing business.
Nothing looks sadder than drooping flowers. The only situation that would make it worse is if you actually receive a box of these from someone. I would not wish this fate upon anyone,
neither the receiver but most of all, the sender.www.qualitydigest.com defines quality is not only the absence of defects nor just the state of being superior. It is actually a fundamental and relational process of assessing, fulfilling and anticipating implied needs.There are quite a number of factors, which define the quality of a flower. The first, being the vase-life of the flower. Different kinds of flowers last different lengths of time. There are established vase-lives in the market for each cut flower type and variety, which on the average should last so many days. When you want quality you look for the supplier or the florist, which can guarantee you that number.A brief in project study posted at www.hpc.wur.nl also points out the importance of the post harvest quality of cut flower vase life for the consumer. This behavior is determined by water and carbohydrate balance as well when the bud opens and actually survives. Its actual history of cultivation and genetic predisposition is also reflective of the vase life, which makes it a nice to know for every buyer where the actual supply of the florists comes from. Finding out where it comes from will give a better idea on how it was actually grown.Simply stated, a larger trust should be placed upon florists who are determined to market their wares with highly implied consistency in quality. Well established florists and delivery companies that have an eye for quality look at other factors such as the shade, intensity, uniformity and sharpness of the flower color; Leaf color and size; Stem thickness, straightness and length; weight and absence of spray residue and handling damage.It is also a fact that this kind of consistency comes only from growers who actually purchase planting materials and pay its royalties from licensed breeders and propagators. Breeders are the ones who scientifically come up with these new varieties but for mass production of these new plants, it becomes a job for the propagator. For example, the main breeder for roses might be from Holland but if there is a large market for these in say in Germany, then they will have to seek out a propagator in that country to get a license to produce these planting materials and supply the area.Yes, that’s how far the origins of the best flower suppliers may go. The red roses, ten years ago are different from shade of red that you purchase today. Years ago in fact, roses always had thorns to accompany each stem; but nowadays you can find thorn-less varieties with brighter hues and a lovelier fragrance. You can also be assured that new breeds of flowers are constantly improved to have even better characteristics and be able to resist more pests therefore needing need less pesticides, fungicides and ultimately less fertilizer. Growing plants and flowers as a business keeps on getting greener.What to watch out for would be for the unscrupulous flower retailers which offer bunches and bunches at a dime a dozen. In most cases these would come from an open field using ancient technologies, which don’t have quality measures in place that might give you great visual beauty today but will certainly prove droopy the next. If you have to send it, then make sure it’s got farm freshness and an industrial lifespan to spread the cheer.