Wind Shield-Materials and Maintenance
Wind shield is a very important component of every automobile like cars, trucks, motorcycles etc. A wind shield would not only protect us from wind but it also prevent our automobile form many types of debris.
Wind shield is a very important component of every automobile like cars,

trucks, motorcycles etc. A wind shield would not only protect us from wind but it also prevent our automobile form many types of debris. Here we briefly discuss about the materials used in manufacturing of wind shield glass and different ways to maintain a wind shield. Wind shields are made up of laminated glass. Laminated glass is using for the manufacturing of wind shield glasses since 1927. Laminated glass is made in a similar way as tempered glass but the difference between laminated and tempered glass is that laminated glass is made up of two layers of glasses and then these layers are covered with vinyl.
Because of the coat of vinyl it is known as laminated glass. The best thing about laminated glass is that it will break into small pieces instead of very dangerous edgy pieces that normal glass makes. So in case of any accident this glass breaks into small pieces which reduce the risk of any crucial injury. Laminated glass is also known as safety glass because it is very strong and dependable. That’s why this type of glass is used in the manufacturing of wind shields. As wind shield is a very important part of your vehicle. You should also keep in your mind that original glass wind shields enhance your visibility during rain and fog.
Try to keep your wind shield clean and free of dust because it also increases the life of your wind shield. Use quality wipers in order to keep your wind shield clean. Don’t use wiper when it is dried because it might cause some scratches or marks on your wind shield. Also don’t use wiper when it is full of dust. Most of the people don’t take care of their wind shield glasses and the wind shield soon starts getting weaker and after some time it becomes so weak that even a very small stone can easily make a crack on it. The most important step to maintain your wind shield is that, at least weekly wash it by using good quality cleaner. It keeps your wind shield glass shiny and good looking and you would be able to watch the clear view from your car.
Always try to avoid any kind of crack or damage on your wind shield glass. Drive very carefully on rough roads because uneven and rough roads are one of the causes of cracks on wind shield glass. Use high quality glass wind shield, it may bit expensive but it provides you the best quality because when it comes to safety then money is not an issue. Good quality wind shields are scratch resistant it also provide very good look to your vehicle. Always purchase wind shields from good reputed company and in case of any kind of crack on your wind shield glass, call an expert for your assistance.