Entry level jobs are often chosen in a hurry and wrongly. When the job seekers realize that they are in a wrong place, they have already lost a lot of time. This article aims at providing fresh job seekers some insight into choosing their entry level jobs through 3 important tips.
One can define an entry level job in two ways- a job that does not need any prior experience or a job from which you can earn your first professional experience. I prefer the second one because it increases the value of your first venture as an employee. Your entry level job can by all means dictate your future in the job market; it is better to be careful while choosing it. Here are three tips that will help you choose better.
1. Pay more attention to what you want than what you need
A lot of circumstantial factors can push you to choose whatever comes your way but you must be aware of the fact that your tenure at role that you do not like may be unexpectedly shorten as a result of your own frustration and the employer’s disappointment. You may hit the job market so soon again that it may create a dark spot on your resume. What you should do is understand yourself, spend some time considering the best options for you and narrow down the scope of your job search. Remember, a narrow focus does not kill your options but makes the available options healthier.
Be very specific about the skills that you can bring along with you. Find a place where your skills will be appreciated and used. Enduring the agony of well focused employment hunt a little longer can make your future a lot better.
2. Give a deeper thought to the salary and the perks
If you have just graduated and looking for your first job, it is fair enough to have a low expectation, better actually; that said you must learn to evaluate the skills that you are bringing on board. Study the demand of your skills in the industry as well as the usual pay scale; do not settle for too less because if you lack motivation, which you will if you are paid too less, that will help neither your cause nor the employer’s. If you are applying for a startup, you may not have a lot of money in offer but other perks like flexibility, opportunities to telecommute, a little bit of autonomy, stock equity in offer or opportunity to learn closely from your leaders should also not escape your scope of consideration.
Also keep an eye on the company policies; see if the offer regular increments; find out if the job can help your value to escalate.
3. Think ahead of time, consider what you will learn
You are not going to be in an entry level job for your whole career; you will grow within the company or in another company as you will earn experience and develop new skills. Make sure that the job you choose gives you the opportunities to learn. Developing new skills; enriching yourself and empowering your resume should be among your top priorities during your first job. Make sure when you hit the job market for the second time you are a much updated and improved version of your fresher self.