Can You Really Work From Home?
Working from home sounds like a great idea. But it does require some serious thought before pursuing.
There are moms everywhere that wish they could stay home and make a living being with their young ones. But even if the perfect job was offered,

staying home is a challenge; one that has to be strongly looked at before deciding to make the transition.
Will you be content working from home?
You're probably thinking that may be a stupid question considering this is something that you've dreamed of. However, it's very valid. See, some people go crazy being cooped up in the house for long hours and need to be around other people, different environments, etc.. If you consider yourself a people-person, then having a stay at home job will not make you happy. You'll just long to be in a work home environment and end up calling it quits.
Can you afford to work home?
Your salary may dramatically decrease if you decide to accept a work home gig. It just depends on the position and the company. If this is the case, can you accept living on a lower salary? More importantly, can your lifestyle accept it? Just because you don't have to worry about the cost of gas to commute to work, there are still fees associated with childcare, software, and possibility a home phone line if you don't already acquire one.
Finally, if you decide to go back to the workforce after working for virtual company, your references and/or work may not be taken seriously. The work home sector, unless your an employee with a well known establishment such as Apple or AT&T, is frowned upon by most employers considering the fact that many do not choose to employ in this fashion.
Working from home requires a lot of preparation and a plan that is well-thought. It is always possible to find or create the work home job of your dreams if you take it step by step without giving up.