"Just because I'm down, don't mean I'm out!" Have you noticed how people tend to take advantage of you when you are at low lowest point? Take you for a ride because they know you are vulnerable? Abuse you because you are naive and trusting? Walk all over you at your weakest point and slander your reputation when you cannot fight back? Been there before or currently going through it? Well, here’s how to fight back.
These are the people that celebrate and feast during your lowest of lows. People who love you will stand by you and people who envy you will want you gone for good.
Question! Is their opinion worth internalising? It has been said that allowing people’s opinions to affect how you feel, think and act is too much power to give away. The beauty is, you have the ability to give that power to whom so ever you please. If I were you, I will reserve it for the ones that love and care for me the most. Especially at my lowest point ever.
Remember, A negative comment, opinion or criticism is always based on the owners own insecurities, personal problems and shortfalls. It brings them an unfulfilled and unhappy life. They have to see the wrong in others to justify their shortfalls and feed on your weaknesses to quench the thirst of their envy and jealousy for your success. The key to being in control and fully focused on your vision and goals in life, even at your lowest point is to build a shield around your dreams, accomplishments, vision and circle of trust (People who truely love you). If they can’t touch these, they can’t touch you.
How do you do this? Simple! It all starts with you. You don’t require ‘Opinions’ to take your next breath and compared to the world’s population, opinions are more in number. Take what you need and leave the rest for others.
By Keji Giwa http://www.careerinsights.tv
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