Find out more about STNA relationships
STNA relationships are very important if you want to continue as a nursing assistant. You have to be amicable and your patients should feel comfortable to get along with you. At the same time, you should respect your higher officials and maintain good relationships with them.
STNA relationships are very important if you want to continue as a nursing assistant. You have to be amicable and your patients should feel comfortable to get along with you. At the same time,

you should respect your higher officials and maintain good relationships with them. If you spoil your relationship with either patients or nursing staff, you won't be able to work continuously as a nursing assistant.
Acting as a bridge between two demanding sides can be more stressful. You may become exhausted very soon because of high demands. If you have determined to become an STNA, prepare yourself not to expect appreciation and admiration from anyone. Nursing assistants require nothing more than appreciation of their hard work. Health care industries and hospitals must understand this and provide them everything they need.
You need to have good communication skills to maintain good STNA relationships. Sometimes, you may have to explain the whole treatment to your patients and make them feel comfortable. You need to know how to talk nice to those who are in distress. You also have to move with the friends and families of the patients. Your ability to establish communication with various hospital departments becomes crucial for emergency services. You have to be alert all the times and be ready for the unexpected.
You have to be a good observer and maintain patients’ records perfectly. Doctors will prescribe treatments only based on the records you maintain. A nursing assistant can truly explain the conditions of the patients to the nursing staff. You have to know about the emergency condition of the patients. You must be able to communicate the appropriate staff clearly, in cases of emergencies. You will have many patients to monitor and you need to maintain perfect records for each and every one of them. Any mistake in such patient records may prove to be fatal for the patient.
A nursing assistant should build trust among the patients. The nursing staff should also believe in you. Most of the times, patients are impatient and they complain about the behavior of nursing assistants. They may even curse you directly for not attending to their problems. You need to deal with these issues on your own and should take every step to convince the parties involved. Many nurses often don’t give more importance for the reports submitted by nursing assistants because the nurses feel that nursing assistants don’t have proper training. You should understand that nurses know more than nursing assistants do, so you should not get worried for small misunderstandings.
It will take some time for you to understand what your patients and higher officials expect from you. Once you know what you are expected to do, you can carry out the tasks without ambiguity. Moreover, you should update yourself with latest medical trends so that you can keep up with the advancements in the medical field. You need to develop your communication skills as well to be recognized as a reputable nursing assistant. You must take advantage of every possible career development opportunity so that you can shine as a successful nursing assistant.