Highly Recommended Ways To Launch Your Career With Facebook
‘Facebook’ is the most preferred thing as a social networking website which basically makes it easy for all of us to connect and share with our family and friends online. But, do you people ever thought that Facebook is a really a great tool for a job search in today’s modern world of technology and innovation. If not yet then go through this article well and grab some ways to use it as a best tool for job search.
If you are also having account on social networking site ‘Facebook’ then Let’s explore few Highly Recommended Ways To Launch Your Career With Facebook.
- Just Follow Your Chosen Companies as on Facebook Some companies have special Facebook pages purposely for recruiting. You might find out about job opportunities on their Facebook pages quicker than finding their postings on a job board or their own career portal. It's also a place to learn more about the company culture and ask the recruiting department questions about the hiring process. In smaller companies,
the page may even be monitored by the decision makers, putting you in direct contact with the person who offers opportunities or hires.
- Make Contact With Employers Openly as Facebook allows all users to send messages directly to other users. It doesn’t matter that you aren't friends with them, which is especially useful if you can't find their contact information anywhere else. Be careful with this approach though. Some people only want to communicate with their "real friends" on Facebook. Before contacting someone, make sure you've done your homework, and send a personalized message making sure to let them know who you are and why you are contacting them.
- Consider Doing Experiments With Facebook just in order to target on certain employers and get attention. For a few bucks a day, you can promote your work through a creative job search advertisement. Target the ad to reach only people who work in certain companies or have specific information listed in their profile. Link to your online resume, blog, or other social media profiles so interested parties can quickly learn more about you.
- Keep Your Privacy Settings Open Enough For People Just To Find You as If most companies are using best tool ‘social media sites’ for research as studies suggest, you want to make sure you profile can easily be found. It's a good idea to lock down certain parts of your profile, making, for example, personal photos available to your friends only, but allow biographical data, including your employment history, to be searchable. Also consider having your profile indexed in Google and allowing even non-friends to send you private messages.
- Let Your Network Know You’re On The Job Hunt because this thing of Letting people know some of the details of your job search will lead you to new introductions. Who knows, your college friend's cousin's wife might be the HR Manager in a relevant industry or at the company where you just applied—and maybe that person is willing to make a direct introduction. You could get the inside scoop with a simple status update letting your friends know the latest on your job hunt.
- Upgrade Your Profile Accord. To Your Job Search ensure that you fill out your employment history. You can easily list your professional online sites as well in the "information" field. Showcase some of your work, like writing samples or presentations, using third party Facebook applications like Slide share. And play around with your privacy setting to make sure you job search information is accessible to everyone and everything else is only accessible to your friends.