9.8% unemployment is the national average. For many states, it is even higher than 9.8%. I live in California and the number has hit double digits. This is true for many other states as well. Regardless of the rate, anyone actively in a job search knows these are difficult times. There is hope, and I believe opportunity, for many of those looking.
But we can help you learn from your mistakes. The biggest problem we find with candidates is that they really don't have a targeted, very focused approach to their search. Their fear of possibly missing an opportunity is so powerful that they often don't see the forest for the trees. Our biggest challenge is to help get the candidates focused like a laser beam on a target and then drive to that target. In many cases this is a monumental task.
As the employment numbers get worse, successful candidates must become more and more focused. Companies today aren't looking for a jack of all trades. They want the king or queen. If you aren't targeted and highly focused, then it is difficult to land a position.
You have to have a bull's-eye on the target so you have something to aim at. What is your bull's-eye?
Here are some suggestions to help you get focused.
I don't mean to imply that doing these things will guarantee you find a position right away. I do believe if you don't do them you will be in-transition a lot longer than if you do. Having a general, shot gun approach will definitely extend your job search.
Please let us know your comments and feedback.Brad Remillard
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