How to find a good Job after MBA?
Higher education is meant for high profile, highly paying jobs. This is why there are so many students joining MBA courses. But unfortunately not all of them land on a high profile, highly paid job. Certainly MBA is a desired qualification for many good job profiles but you need to make some extra efforts to find a good job after MBA.

shortened from Master of Business Administration is not only an academic degree; it is a symbol of professional excellence. The profession is related to business in general and its branches in particular. MBA has a typical identity in the job market. The job seeker with an MBA degree has a distinct edge over his competitors and the job-provider, after recruiting an MBA candidate knows for sure that his business will be conducted to his best advantage.
If you are interested to find a good job after MBA, you need to take the following factors into consideration.
1. On-campus selection: Reputed organizations prefer to pick up right candidates before they close their study with the institutions. The best option for you would be to prepare yourself well for the campus selection event. You should however keep the following before joining the organization
i) Explore the environment likely to be available in the organization that would aid to enrichment of your talent and also whether there will be a congenial atmosphere for working. You can collect information about the organization from their web sites.
ii) It should have a large organizational structure that will provide you with widened scope of training, learning, developing and future prospects.
iii) The job offered should be in line with your specialization so that you contribute your best to the organization and enjoy while you work
2. Advertisement by Employers: This is the most common as well better means of finding a good job after MBA. For this, you need to keep track of employment notice of reputed organizations which you may find in leading news papers or on the web sites of the organization. While responding to the advertisement, you should pay due attention to preparation of your resume that give the first impression to your prospective employer.
i) Your resume should have the magnetic power to attract the inquisitive mind of the job-provider. Show-casing your qualification and skills in proper order puts better impression upon the person scanning the applications for short listing suitable candidates.
ii) Take care to incorporate all information with regard to your professional accomplishments any special achievement or presentation of papers, rewards and involvement in extra-curricular activities.
iii) Specifically mention your career objective, and impressive reasons you feel yourself suitable for the job applied for.
3. Net work Connection implies that you need to establish contact with people in the same profession who can feed you with all possible information about the prospective employer, organization, salary structures and perks and rapport of the employer in the job market. This method is particularly helpful for jobs that are not advertized on job portals.
4. Online Job Portal is another proper approach to find a good job after MBA because the job-providers look into the web for locating the right MBA candidates for their requirement. You need to build up your profile complete in all respect and add an appropriate key word for your profile that could be distinctly viewed by the job-providers.
These are some of the common ways to find a good job after MBA. Last but not least in the list is keep reviewing daily news papers as there are several requirements published on daily basis. Keep posting your resume to every good job matching to your criteria. Best of luck!