Most interviewing processes start and stop with the phone interview. In our opinion this is the most important interview. Not only because if you fail here the process stops, but mainly because it sets the stage for the in-person interview if you do well. Have a great phone interview and the mindset of the person bringing you in for the face-to-face interview is already positive, they believe you must be qualified, and you are starting out in a strong position.
Here is a quick quiz to see if you are ready to, "Win The Phone Interview." Answer these in your mind, not fair if you already read the book or downloaded the free chapter. (Answers below)
If you can answer all of these, then you are aware of how different the phone interview is from the in-person interview. If you can't answer all of them then you should consider doing your homework. It is possible you've missed an opportunity because you were weeded out during a phone interview.
To help you, we have a number of completely FREE resources to make sure you know how to win the phone interview.
Please consider taking advantage of these. They are all free tools you can use to ensure you not only win the phone interview, but win the job.
Help your friends and family know how they can win a phone interview by sharing this with them.
Please let us know how you did on the quiz. Did you really know all of the answers?
Stop Your Job Search Until 2010 – Dumb Move
I get this all the time from candidates I’m working with in our job search coaching program. It usually starts with, “The holidays are here and nobody is hiring during this period.” or “Why look now? I will wait until the new year. It is time for a break.”I’m Getting Interviews But No Offers. WHY?
This was a question a potential job search coaching candidate asked me. Although frustrating, at the same time it is a very good problem to have. At least she was getting interviewsJob Search Stalled? Do What the Pros Do.
If your search isn't delivering the results you want, taking too long, or stalled here are a few tips the pro's do to get it back on track.