What triggers our action, hearing or listening or thinking or in other words, which sense organ influence us quickly- ear, eye or mind? This question is more pertinent to corporate world where....
What triggers our action, hearing or listening or thinking or in other words, which sense organ influence us quickly- ear, eye or mind? This question is more pertinent to corporate world where, the life is very dynamic and decisions have to be taken quickly. We may claim that all our actions are thought driven, but actually listening or thinking is less used in most of our responses, reactions and decision making process. This is true whether one accepts it or not.
Corporate people respond quickly to the stimuli of ear. After their initial action to the above stimuli only the listening comes to the scene and of course, last and the least, thinking peeps in like an extra character in most movies.
Listening and thinking comes only when the corporate man do not have a solution to depend up on. In a factory setup, let us assume that a particular job is not done by the subordinate and the boss when hear about the same, generally he/she shouts or gets angry or gets annoyed. To the above problem, he/she has a solution that is shouting or get angry with the subordinate. The same boss if suddenly hear an information on sudden increase in the price of a most needed input material for an immediate production, he listens to people and think of a solution. The person has no solution to relay upon; hence the other two events assume importance. The solution does not mean the ‘real solution’ to the problem but it refers to a possibility where one can display the emotion to reveal his or her state of mind.
Suddenly some one say there is a fire incident, people start running to escape. Let us assume that if the fire accident were in the third floor of the building, the people in the fourth floor may not run immediately as such possibility is limited and no one wish to move from one danger to another. Hence they start to listen to the issue and think how to escape. The influence of ears in our decision making is very high when compared to the influence any other faculty in our body.
Let us see a corollary to the above in nature. A heard of deer grazing in the forest become jittery when they hear the sound of monkeys from the upper canopy. Without wasting any time, the heard may start running. After reaching some distance, they stop and then watch around. Once they confirm that there is no danger, they resume to the business of grazing.
On the contrary, the response of a lion or a tiger will be different in such situation. Any sound, be it an alarm call or an unusual noise, they watch out for the source of the sound only then they respond.
The predator has to hunt necessarily and prey has the necessity to escape. In every sound, predator looks for an opportunity and hence he applies his mind. Whereas, the prey perceives every sound to be danger, hence it tends to react quickly.
Why the boss react differently in the first situation from the second. It is very simple; all the corporate people (generally all) operate from the mind set of a prey or in other words, they operate from the mind set of victim pattern. The bosses in the corporate are no difference and the simple solution available in the first situation was shouting or getting angry. When they display their anger in the first situation, they think that they have done something to avoid the danger. In the second situation, there is no danger. Price increase of the raw material, he will not be held responsible at all. Where as in the first instance, he has to throw his weight otherwise he fears that he may be blamed for the job not being done by the subordinate.
Man was a prey to many wild animals in the distant past and only to escape from the predator, man had started using his brain power. But even after he become biologically a ‘human’ still the fear of the prey is deep within him and hence it gets displayed often. Why in corporate, because, life in corporate is like life in jungle.
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