Spring Clean Your Resume
It’s spring time. As you wipe off the winter dust in your house, you should also clean your resume to let it shine this summer. If you are a student a nursing student or a business student for that matter.
It’s spring time. As you wipe off the winter dust in your house,

you should also clean your resume to let it shine this summer. If you are a student a nursing student or a business student for that matter, you need to build your nursing student resume or business student resume respectively. As students, summer gives you the opportunity to look for exciting and challenging summer jobs that give you practical experience in the field of your interest.Hence, this spring, before you take any other cleanup project, just grab your resume and get ready to work on the spring cleanup project. Having said all this, it may seem as if only students are required to spring cleanup their resumes, but that is certainly not the case. Professionals too would not be spared of the project. Get ready to shine and rework on your resume, with consideration to the following factors.The LookSome people may debate over the importance of the look of your resume. It is said that looks don’t really matter about your resume. Well! I do not agree with whosoever says so. I feel that these people may not have faced the cut-throat competition in the job-market lately. Instead, I suggest that you use every possible way that helps your resume to stand out from the heap.Ensure that your resume is polished with the new look and formats followed in the job-world. Highlight your achievements those can make you the suitable candidate for the job position.Throw out the Clichéd Resume WordsAttention to all those busy with spring cleaning their resumes! Review your resume. Does it appear old? Throw out the overused and clichéd words from your resume. Some of these words are ‘team-oriented’, ‘detail-oriented’, and ‘strong communicator’. Throw these words of your resume and justify the value you can bring to prospective employer through some quantifiable accomplishments.MakeoverHave you gone adding the information about your current employers, over the old resume’s work experience section? Possibility is that your resume has lost its focus over the years then. Check your resume, if it has grown beyond a winning resume length. Is it because you still list the first job after your graduation? Weed out some years off your resume and limit it to past 10 years. Rest of the job tasks, you can sum up in a paragraph.Let your resume enjoy a ‘makeover’ this spring. A fresh look to your resume will improve your job progress. You may consider redesigning the resume to weed off unnecessary details and organize the details in such a manner that recruiter can find the key information easily.Flowers are blooming, spring is in the air. This season gives you the opportunity to go to the closets and wipe off the winter dust. The same way you can make your resume feel energized and rewarding by a spring cleanup. Spring cleaning your resume every year can save your efforts of needing to do a complete revamp of the resume.Check for factors such as action plan of the resume, job experience, skills, and overall look of the resume. Anything that appears to be withered or obsolete should be removed off your resume.