Carinne Bird is an Australian Latin Dance Champion married to her champion dance partner. After her marriage ended, it also ended everything her life had been made up of. From being a Latin Dance Champion, she become a Marketing Director - Carinne Bird
Carinne Bird was Australian Latin Dance Champion with outstanding achievements married to her champion dance partner. Carinne Bird and her husband had spent three years living in Europe representing Australia in World and European championships and had dreams of establishing a successful dance franchise in Australia. She remember the day their relationship ended. It was not only the end of her marriage but the end of everything her life had been made up of, thus far. It felt like the tablecloth had been ripped out from a beautifully laid table and all the pieces had landed on the floor with her in tears. She had no idea where to start picking up the pieces of her life and all she had ever known was dance. The future was uncertain and changing!
This was a long time ago and since then, Carinne Bird have invested in new skills, pursued a business career and have become a Marketing Director for one of the world’s most leading IT brands. From Russia to Brazil, from China to India Carinne Bird led the marketing mission for the IT Business Partner channel and mentored teams all across the globe. There is life beyond the surprise of change. Transition impacts all of us. Our lives are made up of continual seasons and like the weather our personal seasons have different requirements. Some impact us more severely than others but in all cases we typically see-saw between resisting and embracing change. It is a journey. Here are three thoughts that have helped Carinne Bird to embrace change –
3. Make a difference in the lives of others – Carinne Bird learned a long time ago that one of the most profound things to do when life feels unrewarding is to make a difference to someone else in need. She have participated in all sorts of projects from volunteering in Christmas appeals to visiting some of the most subjugated women in Africa to simply hanging out with family who are ill and struggling. Finding someone with a need and making a difference in their life takes the intense focus off your own challenges. It not only brings a fresh perspective but you will receive in many more ways than you can imagine and it’s helped Carinne to truly embrace the change ahead.
Carinne Bird - It's All About Content
People often say “I must embrace Social Media marketing” and while there are great advantages of driving demand via Social Media, mostly, what people really want is PRESENCE. To do that it’s all about CONTENT, building content that is meaningful to others yet resonates and builds your brand.Carinne Bird - Stepping Out Into the New
I was Australian Latin Dance Champion with outstanding achievements married to my champion dance partner. We had spent three years living in Europe representing Australia in World and European championships and had dreams of establishing a successful dance franchise in Australia.Carinne Bird - Hiding Behind Someone Else's Logo
For most of my career I have invested 100% of myself into my work without complaint and in return travelled the world, impacted the lives of others and earned great money. By choice, I decided to leave my job to explore something new…… the next chapter! I discovered the hard way that my identify was not that of myself, the unique me, the things I want to be known for, but rather that of the prestigious logo embedded on my business card…… it was invisibly embedded on my forehead too! And, I was the engraver, willingly!